[update] jumpstart my kaleidoscope heart / i love to watch the colors fade;

Jun 12, 2011 00:41

Doing this in bullets because after all the flailing (both good and angyyy) I did on Plurk, I am... kind of exhausted. Will be turning in before midnight... which leaves me less than thirty minutes from the time I started typing this thing.

WELCOME TO MY LJ, Anna fusuke \o (I am grinning my fool head off at the thought that I will be able to flail over ココア男。 with someone!) And if you do plan to plunge back into Tenipuri, I fully support this decision~

[ADDENDUM~] HALLO ALSO TO SACHI boukenrider ♥ WELCOME TO THE MADHOUSE /shall we spam Zyn with lots of Basco?

Work was kind of... lulzy. Displayed the full breadth of the Flail-O-Meter today, though I think the rant-filled call from a customer who was not ours pretty much pinged from one end of the spectrum to the other. I will honestly never understand the point of just launching into your complaint without properly checking that you dialed the correct number.

Em emothy is epic, as always. She thinks we should stop brain!twinning. I think it's hilarious that we've got that kind of sync XD One of these days I am going to take a stopwatch and count how fast it takes for her and me to go from RAGE! to LULZ in the span of a conversation.

Cyn vacivity we miss you :( Your status message read {Gone} the whole time today. I hope job-hunting is not giving you a headache again. I would tell the universe off for this, but apparently, it has elected to be evil to me on numerous fronts. I also hope Opus Mundi is going well~ I still need to put together that virtual!mixtape for you.

I am officially envious of my brother's _thenothing_ laptop.

My Tita Girlie (#2 in the list of the 11 Pico siblings, Dad being #1 and the eldest) brought her 5-year-old Toshiba last February when she flew over from Maryland to participate in the Medical Mission. She wasn't using it anymore (she bought a new one on the 2010 Black Friday sale) and she knew that Nate sort of needs it for school.

Anyway, it's been ignored for the most part because the RAM was at 256MB (I kid you not. It was THAT SLOW), but he found a place to buy an additional 1Gig and had it installed just the other day. Now, his laptop is freaking fast. I have not had the joy of surfing on it yet, but come Monday ;u; COME TO ME WHILE MAMA HAS MOCHI WITH HER AT WORK \o\

Don't get me wrong. I love my laptop Mochi because this baby has held out really well despite becoming the unofficial family PC. However, I do have plans to invest in a new laptop. The school year has officially started and I'm a little worried that Mochi being shuffled between Mom, Neal and myself is officially taking a toll. I have keys falling off; we keep them in place using scotch tape ; What Is Life.

I am drowning in a backlog of things to watch. THIS HAS NOT HAPPENED BEFORE. I am very amused and ;u; overwhelmed. No Pam izkariote I have not forgotten about GINTAMA. I need that "MATTE WAIT~" in my life.

Shameless Plug! If you have not seen THIS EPIC ICON POST, I will have to ask you to go and click that link (like, right now PRZ). I am very proud of my texticons. They encapsulate in 100x100 pixels the numerous variations of /FLAIL that I have found is actually very relevant. I will do color variations. Just as soon as I give my COREL PHOTO PAINT 12 a good talking to because for some reason it is not letting me use the brush tool option.

Punch is a cuddler again :) I woke up this morning to overcast skies and the weather still considering whether it wanted to actually spare some rain (which it didn't) and then I felt Punch kind of just hop up onto the bed and next thing I knew, he was curled up beside me.

This pleases me a lot because he hasn't been like this in months (though I suppose if I were 'overdressed' in mounds of fur in the middle of murderous heat and humidity I wouldn't like cuddling either).

Anyway, I never got to post about it, but we kind of... shaved his fur all off? It's grown out now so he doesn't look like a bizarre cross between a Chihuahua and a baby!St. Bernard. I might keep his hair like this for awhile. When we got all the fur (it was matted and made him resemble a SHEEP; ugh Porkchop, you and your latching-onto-big-brother-tactics) off I'd noticed that Punch had lost a considerable amount of weight. He's chubbier now, which is good. They say the biggest problem with Shih Tzus is making sure they don't get obese. /points to Punchkin I never had that problem. Baby is a picky eater so I need to bribe him to touch his food sometimes.

Oh, right! Kazepan starkissed did a reading for me! Thank you, bb :) It deserved a spot in my bullet points recap ♥


(.gif is totally relevant tyvm)

And I will end this here. OH LOOK AT THE TIME. I need to sleep.

Nightnight, my lovelies ♥

noey fails at funny?, noey has stuff to do enough flailing, online friends, noey goes wtf?, the things i do for em, what is this shenaniganry, i cannot even begin to rant, picspam, why so much fail, friends, family time!, noey ♥s cold mornings, cyncyncyn is win, fandom: prince of tennis, noey does not approve of this, the punchcapades, on the internet and the things in it, i love you guys, giving love, god why is t&b so awesome???, fandom: tiger & bunny, noey fails at life, noey likes lists, this is my life, my brother is win, petspetspets, zyn kasalanan mo 'to!, teka ano-- wait what?, icons are such pretty things, nonane corp., fandom: tenimyu, my friends are awesomesauce, it's a small world after all, workworkwork, fandoms are colliding what is this, words and words and words, flailing noey is not cute, i love my friends, what is life, shenanigans is serious business, i acquire family members now shush, lots and lots of stuff, what is this stupidity, in my country, lj related shenanigans, shiny is shiny is shiny

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