[update] blink and suddenly, half the year's gone.

May 14, 2011 08:22

Reporting to you all from bed. I'm sick and not at all pleased about it. I feel like I got run over by a truck, which then backed up because the driver wasn't quite sure if I was flattened against the pavement self, why so morbid in the morning OTL.

Spent most of yesterday sleeping, which the brothers and Mom tell me was for the best, but now I've only today to enjoy before I head back to work. Still have no appetite (not that it matters much because I need food in me before I take the medicine that's supposed to help flush this out), but at least I can take bread and Cheez Wiz and keep it down. It's not at all comforting to drink water and feel like your stomach is rejecting it. Have been taking Vitamin C as well: 2 pills (I asked sometime last night if it was safe to take two more but brother _thenothing_ put his foot down and said no). I still feel raw all over, but at least I can stand the electric fan now.


Not quite mid-year just yet, but it's pretty close.

It's funny how time flies when you're not paying attention.

I've been meaning to post about my trip to Tagaytay last February and the other stuff that's gone on since, but ontop of not really knowing what to say nor having any real drive to recount the events in great detail, I've been putting it off.

Going through my photostream on Instagram gave me an idea though. Sometimes, it's best to let the pictures speak for themselves:

February 18-19 2011
Mel, Belle belledexxxx and Mags' badassbaby Great Tagaytay Adventure

March 13-14, 2011
Sabangan Beach Resort Escape

Bonding Sessions at Ortigas
Or, 'A Night filled with LULZ cos Will was totally smashed'.

Nan perfectassassin comes to Manila
A Day Out at Manila's Ocean Park

this is my life, picspam, friends, places i've been: manila ocean park, places i've been: tagaytay, family time!, my friends are awesomesauce, places i've been: sabangan beach resort, the win/panalo trio

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