[update] dear summer, your novelty is lost on me.

Apr 28, 2011 22:06

On the walk from my stop to the house, I noticed that the sky north of where I live was alive with lightning. I haven't seen lightning flash like that in ages, so bright it literally lights up one section of the sky. It was definitely something that I had to stop and watch, even for a few minutes from the walkway that bridges one side of the highway to the village where I live.

No sign of rain though, which sucks. Nights are balmy, days are hellish. When I wear my shades, it's like I'm wearing none. So I'm quietly praying for even a brief summer rain. Anything to just drag the temperature down to a more reasonable level.

It's been ages since I last posted (we won't count the fannish squee two weeks ago over The Hobbit because that was like a hit and run -- here and gone in a blink), I actually don't know where to begin.

So much has gone on since February, you'd think I'd have a lot to say or share; and yet, it been more along the lines of the opposite. So much gone on, so little inclination to really document the comings and goings.

I turned twenty-six the Monday before last. Spent the morning at work, ordered pizza for the team and got through the day on laughter and a mantra that pretty much went something like: "Two days off tomorrow. Two days."

Went home that night an hour shy of midnight because the crazy that comes with Rika tauburn, Kang jpop_princess and Zyn mailnosecret spanned all evening long. There was moving food (okonomiyaki at JiPan), a ridiculous gift that is 80% on my mom's bookshelf and 20% squished between my cousin's copy of H.P. Lovecraft's Necronomicon and the Star Trek Reboot novelization. I will also never again purchase the lollipop-looking 'cakes' that are sold at Starbucks. I have had enough sugar of that variety to last me a very, very long time.

So far, things have been good. There's none of the stomach-churning dread that dogged my steps just weeks before my birthday. I don't know precisely what caused it, but I suppose it was stress of one sort or another. Spending time out with friends and just laughing, being teased and managing to get a punch(line) or two in was good.

I think this is the first time in a long while that I feel relaxed enough to just be.


the heir apparent, kiribean get you good, friends, zyn kasalanan mo 'to!, zyrikang get!, my friends are awesomesauce

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