[update] upgrading information / a meme nicked from len mienai_hoshi;

Jan 14, 2011 04:34

You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

name: Noelle Grace
nicknames: Noey; Mel, L (these last two by Star belledexxxx & Mags badassbaby); Shroom (lol, long story)
birthday: April 18, 1985
zodiac: Aries-Taurus cusp (I maintain that I was supposed to be born on the 21st)
occupation: a CSP at a multi-national company; can't tell you which one though
hair: Black (or dark brown, when hit by the sun)
eyes: Very dark brown
height: 4 feet 10 and 3/4 inches
body type: Not quite where I want it to be.
relationship status: Currently single (though Zyn mailnosecret would argue otherwise; my love, it doesn't count when he doesn't know LMAO)
brothers/sisters: I have two younger brothers (Nathan _thenothing_, Neal deionscribe) and one Sis isiseden ;p
kids: Someday, ideally or well, Kangbonchuchu jpop_princess LOL. There's no rush though.
pets: a 3-year-old Shih Tzu named Punch, and a Shweenie named Porkchop, Extra Gravy who really belongs to _thenothing_
religious views: I am Catholic by rearing, but my spiritual views are a mix of what I grew up knowing and some other things that I've picked up along the way. That, is a subject I would prefer to discuss face-to-face though.
political views: Depends on what kind of "political" we're discussing. I feel very strongly about certain subjects, and if you follow (or choose to, rather) this journal, you'll definitely get to see what I mean by that. While I value tradition, I am very leery of following it blindly -- most especially it becomes more regressive than progressive.
city/province/country: currently a resident in Pasig City, Philippines
favourite colour: Chick-down yellow, white, deep maroon -- and purple. I've been buying a lot of it of late.
favorite flower: Yellow rosebuds/Forget-me-nots
favourite movie: I have four top contenders: Lord of the Rings, The Last Unicorn, CenterStage, The Labyrinth. If you are a fan and/or enjoy any of these, I would like to put it out there that I enjoy discussions of numerous sorts. ;p
favorite song: A Sorta Fairytale, Tori Amos
3 random facts about you:
1. I am left-handed except when texting and writing on a blackboard.
2. I enjoy receiving old-fashioned snail mail.
3. I occasionally hand-craft Venetian-style masks and other things for the sheer challenge and fun of the activity.

list the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1. I'm trying to push for and carve out a niche for my music (I compose and perform). Most of my media is hosted at http://sheisnoelle.tumblr.com; I share my originals and post covers of songs from other musicians. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I can score some gigs this year because I do miss performing live.
2. I take commissions for handcrafts from masks to boxes and even hats. It's slow-going, but I've been commissioned twice so far an word is spreading. Some photos are hosted over at http://the-dreambook.tumblr.com.
3. My current job/department in the company. I love my team, enjoy my work for the most part despite my ridiculous current shift and look forward to growing (figuratively speaking) as a valuable employee.
4. I am being weaned off the medication that I've been taking for almost a year now; and on a related note,
5. I am slowly on my way to reclaiming my sense of self, and as a result, a sense of control over my own life.
a photo of yourself and anything else you want to say:

..... Holy shit. It is almost 4:30 in the morning and I really should turn in for the night. ;p

P.S. If any of you in my flist snag this meme, leave me a link to your post? :) I'd love to read what you answer to the questions.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

this is my life, they call it q&a, meme

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