[update] i should be sleeping, really.

Dec 07, 2010 02:14

It's been awhile since I updated here, Mom's birthday post notwithstanding. I admit, things have been a mite crazy and hectic what with stuff last week at work and with the family and my time getting eaten up by recording at home and Tumblr pretty much sucking up my attention half the time that and I cannot login to LJ at work which sucks, a helluva lot but, oh well. I haven't forgotten about this place though... I suppose I just didn't have anything new to say? Still, it's nearly 2am and I am up and my brain's not much inclined to shutting down just yet.

My cousin flew into Manila the week before last. We managed to catch up on a Sunday: had coffee, dinner, laughed and bonded face-to-face. It's been ages since I've spent good, in-the-same-place time with Dane, what with her living in Bacolod and me living here. We catch up Oovoo most of the time, when our schedules mesh, but actually sitting together in Starbucks G4 and then Cibo in Greenbelt and just walking together arm-in-arm... it was more than just nice; it was something I needed. That she met me halfway in making time for cousin-to-cousin bonding session is something that means a great deal to me, especially since she was in my city for more business-related reasons.

We've come a long way from two kids fumbling around in ice skates at the now-gone Megamall skating rink. I remember that Dane used to be much smaller than I was, tiny enough she barely came up to my shoulder. Now I'm the shorter one, something I don't really mind at all.

I'm very proud of her. She passed the Nursing Exam this year with really good grades. She's found someone to love and who loves her as much right back. She's a very generous soul, with a big heart and a patient ear. And while she tells me sometimes that she's finding it difficult 'growing up', I honestly think she's doing just fine.

Dane and I have a five-year age gap. I've heard stories about cousins or siblings with that kind of age-difference finding it difficult to connect until they're both much older, but she and I never had that hurdle - or if it ever was there, it wasn't too hard to overcome. We have always been close. I suppose its just how two people just click, because on some unconscious level, there is that immediate sense of security.

Blood ties don't always guarantee affection, but I'm lucky to have both. Neither of us have blood-sisters, but I can only try to approximate what it must be for Dane to wish for that kind of connection; her mom's a twin, you see.

Anyway. I should leave off there. I'm incredibly maudlin tonight. Today was... trying. Somewhat. It doesn't have anything to do with work or people -- it was just trying. One of those days where my nerves feel raw.

But anyway. Night for now. Hope everyone has sweet dreams.

this is my life, family time!

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