Oct 09, 2010 23:47
There are a lot of stray cats in my area, so the sight of kittens foraging for food on the sidewalk is nothing unusual when I walk from the bus stop to our street. Tonight, I spied this little bit of a kitten at the corner, mostly white with calico spots...
...and it followed me straight to our doorstep.
I walk slow. I walk with headphones on. I saw that it trailed behind me, but I didn't really give it much of a thought. I only noticed that yes, it was the same tiny kitten creeping up right behind my heel, when Dad opened the door and Punch was more occupied with trying to get past my legs instead of pouncing at me for attention.
I went in, put down my stuff and went back out. The little bit was waiting for me about a foot away from the loveseat we set outside.
I had to put it out on the sidewalk. That meant picking it up. Which meant it got a pretty good foothold of the front of my blouse enough to look up at me with those big, watery eyes. I had to put it out.
But it's mewling outside, and I'm willing to bet it's right underneath our parked SUV or right beside the trash bin we put out for the garbage men to pick up in the morning.
My room faces the street. So I can hear it. Right now.
I feel like such a heel. Even if I know I didn't do anything to prompt it to tag along.
this is my life,
random is random,
noey fails at life