[update] today is junk food day/random post is random;

Sep 29, 2010 16:47

I should feel bad about potato chips and ice cream that, but I am enjoying myself too much. Besides, while 7-11 is fast-becoming one of my favorite places, in light of my current schedule and the number of days I spend at work, this isn't too much of a sad thing... I think.

Anyway. I've been feeling accomplished over the silliest little things:

The Epic thread of spam over at Cyn's vacivity LJ has exceeded 450 comments. Nothing new added so far since Em's emothy off on holiday for the next month, but then again, Cyn and I will be redirecting all the flailage over on her hiatus post instead. :3 I can't help but LOL over the threads though. We're a crazy bunch, the three of us. Our own little ridiculous Troika.

Note to self: Making icons as pretty as the Massu/Yukimura ones I made for Em will most certainly result in something. In this case, it is rikkaihigh. Have spent the last 36 hours filling it up with things. Pretty, awesome things. Information for the most part, since its serving as a reference comm for thisbe_wd. (Just when I remind myself that I don't really need another comm... /sighs)

Sunday picnic lunch with my family this weekend @ Eco Park. I'm hoping finding_tim can come PORKCHOP! PORKCHOP!. Checking with my aunt to see if they want to join us. I miss them and I miss the dogs. Will bring my camera so picspammage, can has \o

Em WROTE ME FIC. My world is nearcomplete.

*rereads her post* Wuh. I told you it was silly.

au!verse: wonderful days, this is my life, character: kirihara akaya, for the love of rikkai, character: kuwahara jackal, character: marui bunta, shenanigans is serious business, cyncyncyn is win, character: yukimura eiri, how can anyone not love food?, em is the queen of awesome, my friends are awesomesauce, on the internet and the things in it

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