[update] she's a smile on a monday / and she'll fight to stay so;

Sep 08, 2010 20:52

[20:15] thimblekissed@gmail.com: my mom's crying :(
[20:16] Emothy: Why? :(
[20:16] thimblekissed@gmail.com: cos i didn't get in
[20:17] Emothy: Awwww but she knows what you're capable of. I mean in all honesty there is no way you'll never get another chance in life. NO WAY.
[20:18] thimblekissed@gmail.com: you are awesome em
[20:18] thimblekissed@gmail.com: okay
[20:18] thimblekissed@gmail.com: now you're gonna make me tear up
[20:18] thimblekissed@gmail.com: and i was doing so well
[20:18] thimblekissed@gmail.com: not crying over this
[20:18] Emothy: DONT YOU DARE <3
[20:19] Emothy: Look, I have probably told you it so many times before but I totally believe things happen for a reason. If this didn't pan out it's because something better is on the horizon, or because the timing would have clashed with something else that might be coming. There's always a reason.
[20:19] Emothy: It might take some time to figure it out but it'll be there.
[20:19] thimblekissed@gmail.com: wah
[20:19] thimblekissed@gmail.com: em
[20:19] thimblekissed@gmail.com: okay teary eyed now
[20:20] Emothy: Talk about hot guys instead then you stalker ;D
[20:20] thimblekissed@gmail.com: hahahaha
[20:21] thimblekissed@gmail.com: ilu
[20:22] Emothy: Well I've got to be useful for something while I'm unemployed, huh? XD If only someone could pay me just to follow them around and write fic for them and give hugs ;D
[20:23] thimblekissed@gmail.com: lolololol
[20:23] thimblekissed@gmail.com: <3
[20:23] Emothy: (I'd be very good at it!)
[20:23] thimblekissed@gmail.com: i have no doubt.
[20:23] thimblekissed@gmail.com: and you can cite me as a reference
[20:24] thimblekissed@gmail.com: i need to save that thing you said
[20:24] Emothy: hehehe I have a reference already XD
[20:24] Emothy: :x
[20:25] thimblekissed@gmail.com: <3

[20:19] Camry 花美留 Silos: hello, love!
[20:19] Camry 花美留 Silos: ^_^
[20:19] Camry 花美留 Silos: i'm at home with internet
[20:19] Noey Pico: hey hon
[20:20] Camry 花美留 Silos: you still looking at pictures of your hot boy?
[20:20] Noey Pico: lol
[20:20] Noey Pico: no
[20:20] Noey Pico: i actually just got back from dinner at cbtl
[20:20] Noey Pico: and now em is making me cry
[20:21] Camry 花美留 Silos: cbtl?
[20:21] Camry 花美留 Silos: em?
[20:21] Camry 花美留 Silos: what? what's happening?
[20:21] Camry 花美留 Silos: O_O
[20:21] Camry 花美留 Silos: you okay?
[20:22] Noey Pico: im good. don't worry.
[20:22] Noey Pico: em just said something that makes me feel really happy that i have really good friends
[20:22] Noey Pico: the luzon shortlist is out
[20:22] Noey Pico: i'm not on it
[20:23] Camry 花美留 Silos: awww...
[20:23] Camry 花美留 Silos: i'm so sorry about that, noey
[20:23] Camry 花美留 Silos: well, don't worry!
[20:23] Camry 花美留 Silos: because you're going to show them one day how screwed up they were to pass you
[20:24] Camry 花美留 Silos: i mean, come on, you're already getting recognition through your rendition of 21 guns
[20:24] Camry 花美留 Silos: soon, the world'll be hooked on your own songs - guaranteed
[20:24] Camry 花美留 Silos: and, for the meantime, you have me, em and a few other people rooting for you
[20:24] Camry 花美留 Silos: <3
[20:26] Camry 花美留 Silos: or, for something more tangible, how about that chocolate fire date?
[20:26] Camry 花美留 Silos: ^_^
[20:28] Noey Pico: lololol
[20:28] Noey Pico: okay. god you guys are awesome.
[20:28] Noey Pico: happy tears.

Congratulations to the lovely Denise Sagun for making the Luzon shortlist for the First ELEMENTS National Songwriting Camp - you shall be brilliant :)

Didn't make the cut, but after an hour of dinner and a handful of Plurkthreads and chatlogs... I've realized that that's perfectly okay. There's always next year. All this is is a minor set-back. Much love to my bbs on Plurk for the shower of hugs, to Da insanely_quirky. To Kate for the pep talk and for making me laugh and letting me flail over certain distractions that salvage the day. You guys are awesome. I swear. I'm so lucky to have people who believe in me as much as all of you do.

No longer on hiatus. Now, have a video this was from my debut awhile back so, uh, yes; shameless sharing of baby pics and then some:


[21:11] ciq_jkroxas: hey hunny
[21:11] beautybedamned: hey sis
[21:11] beautybedamned: /smish
[21:11] beautybedamned: iyak si mama :(
[21:12] ciq_jkroxas: o whats wrong?
[21:13] beautybedamned: shortlist is out
[21:13] beautybedamned: didn't make it
[21:13] beautybedamned: /smish
[21:13] beautybedamned: am okay tho
[21:13] beautybedamned: minor setback
[21:13] beautybedamned: and there is always next year
[21:13] beautybedamned: plus. i have v v good friends who made me feel better. its all on my lj
[21:13] beautybedamned: /smishes
[21:13] ciq_jkroxas: she's still crying? :(
[21:13] ciq_jkroxas: you, you're ok?
[21:14] beautybedamned: am not sure if mama is still crying :( but i texted her na okay na
[21:14] beautybedamned: am okay... weird nog
[21:14] beautybedamned: noh*
[21:14] beautybedamned: i admit, i wanted to cry
[21:14] beautybedamned: disappointing to know na i didn't make it.
[21:15] beautybedamned: but everyone on plurk was sending me hugs and positive vibes
[21:15] beautybedamned: and then em and rika, camry and kate were on ym with me
[21:15] beautybedamned: ...i copied nga their chats with me onto an lj post
[21:15] beautybedamned: am good
[21:15] beautybedamned: i might cry about it later... but i'm okay
[21:15] beautybedamned: /smish
[21:15] beautybedamned: minor setback.
[21:20] ciq_jkroxas: its all about timing love...if not now, you'll get it soon enough
[21:20] ciq_jkroxas: we all believe in you, love :)
[21:21] beautybedamned: its kind of overwhelming actually
[21:22] beautybedamned: tawa tuloy ako
[21:22] beautybedamned: (with matching luha hahaha)
[21:22] beautybedamned: kasi achi was all... "dude. ikaw lang naman ang di naniniwala sa sarili mo"
[21:22] ciq_jkroxas: *HUG
[21:23] ciq_jkroxas: its true yknow...we're all right behind you
[21:24] beautybedamned: you have no idea what it is to hear you (and the others) say that
[21:25] ciq_jkroxas: you need to believe in yourself din, sis
[21:25] beautybedamned: i think i am actually starting to
[21:25] beautybedamned: i think... hirap lang kasi... i actually have no idea what it is you guys hear
[21:25] beautybedamned: when you listen to me
[21:25] beautybedamned: but will definitely recalibrate
[21:26] ciq_jkroxas: i cant answer for others
[21:26] ciq_jkroxas: but when i hear you
[21:26] ciq_jkroxas: i get goosebumps :)
[21:27] beautybedamned: ilusis
[21:27] ciq_jkroxas: well its true
[21:27] ciq_jkroxas: youre gifted :)
[21:28] ciq_jkroxas: and if you werent my sister
[21:28] ciq_jkroxas: i'd kill you out of sheer envy
[21:28] ciq_jkroxas: but as it goes
[21:28] ciq_jkroxas: im just proud to have you as my sister :)
[21:29] beautybedamned: and i'm lucky to have you
[21:29] beautybedamned: and lolllllll
[21:29] beautybedamned: ayan nanaman
[21:29] beautybedamned: hahaha
[21:29] beautybedamned: weepy
[21:31] ciq_jkroxas: awww
[21:32] beautybedamned: haha
[21:32] beautybedamned: lol
[21:32] ciq_jkroxas: you really ok hon?
[21:32] ciq_jkroxas: i meant what i said
[21:33] ciq_jkroxas: sooner or later, it'll happen for you

this is my life, vidspam

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