[update] and when it's the end / our lives will make sense;

Aug 25, 2010 15:18

Staying away from my Twitter updates and my Google Reader Follow list for now. Suzanne Collin's Mockingjay is out and fans are sharing their thoughts and posting reviews and... reacting.

I don't blame them. I can already say it's a fantastic book. But don't take my word for it. I'll say this though: Brace Yourself.

Hope coffeebased tossed me a copy of the ebook last night. We were pinging each other back and forth yesterday, because we both knew that the books were here already, in the warehouses of the bookstores that would be selling them, but the wait was killing us.

I've never waited with so much anticipation for a book before. Unlike the many people who held on to the very last book of the Harry Potter series, my interest in that had dwindled after Book 5. But not this. Invested is exactly the word I would use to describe how I feel about The Hunger Games.

I finished at 5:38am this morning. I couldn't put it down. Every time I told myself that I would end at the last word on the chapter I was on, I just kept on scrolling down until the very end.

Slept for 5 hours. 6:30 to about 11:30. Headed off to Glorietta and picked up the copy I'd asked that they reserve in my name.

I'm looking at it now, sitting at my workstation, lined neatly up with the other two books.

I think I'm going to need to read something else before I dive back in. Still reeling, that's fact.

this is my life, author: suzanne collins, fandom: the hunger games, noey ♥s books

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