[update] wherein i am happy and high and should seriously be sleeping but still--

Aug 13, 2010 02:27

You were wonderful on stage.
It's like you really belong there.

from Pam izkariote, 11:59pm

I am so very, very glad that I came tonight.
I almost forgot how I truly love your songs.
The perfect end to an otherwise harried day.
Seeing you and hearing you sing made up for
everything ü So thank YOU for singing ü

from Karen innocentlyjaded, 12:04am

Thank you to Pam, Karen, Da/Faye insanely_quirky, my cousins Stacey and Thea, my Tita Con. Thank you for coming tonight (...err, last night?). ;] Awesome, awesome fun. Still totally wired. And I really should sleep. But hahaha, ohgod, yes.

P.S. Did I mention I covered Green Day's "21 Guns"?

this is my life, picspam, friends, flailing noey is not cute, 【♪♫】, vidspam, in my country, noey ♥s music, my friends are awesomesauce, i love you guys

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