[update] if there is anything i hate, it's this whole being-sick-business;

Jul 29, 2010 19:23

And sick is precisely what I've been since yesterday. This is why I've not been able to go to work or at least be semi-available on my usual channels. :(

I think I might be well enough to go tomorrow though. The ridiculous headache is gone and I'm no longer tempted to remove said head from my shoulders lest it roll off of its own volition. Have been observing how I feel when I move around. The chills have subsided and I no longer feel a loss of appetite. Despite Dad's worries of mosquito bites and the possibility of dengue (it would be my dumb luck, considering that I've already had it twice before :[), it seems like the only thing I caught was a mix of the flu that the youngest brother brought home, and the cold that's been making the rounds at work.

Now, for bullet-points (as I am lazy)--

The Has-Done and Will-Do List:

Spent some time finishing the first chapter of The Game. It is very satisfying to finally be really back on the writing wagon.

Worked out this weekend's schedule. Will track and mix the two versions of "Hunger" :) That is a link to a video taken of it from my guest-spot at Denise Sagun's July 17 gig. GO LOOK.

Finish review of Thomas E. Sniegoski's The Fallen, Volume 2 and post on Would You Like Tea?'s TGIF Friday.

Finish reading all the books I've started but haven't finished.

Listen to newly acquired music.


Anyway. How are the rest of you doing?

P.S. Relevant to fellow fans of Suzanne Collins' THE HUNGER GAMES . ESP Peeta Mellark fans. CLICK IT. YOU WANT TO. :"D

this is my life, noey likes lists

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