[update] rain, rain, don't go away / sun can come back another day :)

Jun 13, 2010 09:13

Lazing about in bed on my last day of my week-long vacation. The balls of my feet are complaining because I spent last night clubbing with Star belledexxxx and Nate _thenothing_ at Fuel Bar in the Fort. :)

I haven't done an LJ icon meme in awhile, but these were chosen by Hiei mad_maeglin:

The Rules

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.

I don't really know who the girl is, but I do know that she pelted Spidey with Elmo a couple of frames down.

I found the scan c/o my brother's stash over two years ago. There's a trend among my icons of girls with dark hair and whose faces are usually not shown. While it may sound really conceited, I've always considered my icons something of an extension of myself, my state of mind when I post. The girls with dark hair and whose faces are obscured are... well, me. To me anyway.

Sometimes, when I get contemplative, I do wish I had a window I could sit at here at home, and while I'm not a huge Elmo fan (Cookie Monster and Oscar FTW), I will admit to cuddling with a plushie because soft things from childhood always help to make the bad, sad and confusing more bearable than they would be otherwise.

Christmas at Timog a couple of years back. If I remember it correctly, this was shortly after Sis isiseden and I reconnected again after a few years of being on unsteady ground.

I tagged this icon 'sisters' because the fact is, Krys is the closest thing I've ever had to actually having one. When I look back all these long years we've been friends, I really can't picture how I would have turned out without the knowledge that she was there - in some way or form. We've had really bad downs and I will admit there were times I didn't know if a friendship like ours would last, but it has, and that kind of knowledge gives me hope.

We don't need to understand each other to know the root and core of what we are: sisters, of the heart. Ten -- twenty years from now, wherever I'll be and whatever I do, I can see her there. Given that there are days I'm not brave enough to see a month from now, much less a year or more, that is something.

I rarely use it, but having it in my icon stash is a reminder of sorts of what we've gone through, what we will go through and how no matter what, there will always be a bit of indulgent silliness until the happy can roll along. :)

I love dogs, no question. But really, anything small and fuzzy -- I gravitate to it like I would cheese. And hullo. Is it even possible not to love this little one's expression? Yes, yes, I know he/she is probably just licking his/her paw, but you gotta admit, the icon all but has TEE HEE HEE HEE stamped all over it in invisible ink.

This one... this is Aggy's nonartisan fault really. :) But moving on--

While Dead Poets Society will forever and ever break my heart each time I watch it, I cannot think of another movie so moving and so significant when discussing Literature and all that it carries and encompasses for us, as a people.

If there is anything else that the movie ever taught and showed me, it was passion. For life, for art, for that which makes us human beings and alive. We are creatures compelled in some way or form to create and appreciate creation. It's why we read and collect and seek out ways in which, at the end of the day, we believe we have left our mark. Things that state, if to no one else than ourselves: I AM HERE. I EXIST. I AM REAL AND OF SOME SIGNIFICANCE.

And truthfully, if I wouldn't be branded a lunatic for doing so, I would stand from the rooftops of the world, sounding out a cry so primal it blends together joy or grief or whatever -- is something I would like to do.

I didn't voice her, Kang jpop_princess did, but Fletcher is one of the most cheerful and expressive characters in Danchu's gilgrado original comic, LAVI -fuzz-. If you haven't read it, well then. We will have to remedy that.

(And yes, I actually need to send off that package with the first two issues to Hiei mad_maeglin and SOON because I am terrible and I keep on forgetting, but yeah.)

Fletch has a confidence I envy, and a quirkiness I admire. No spoilers, but she's that one character in Dan's comic that has so much riding on what Loren can and cannot give. And still she surges forward, though it might mean her end. Because it is worth it.

Besides, you have to admit, those shades are also incredibly kickass. :)

Ah yes. The infamous toucan. :) Was at the Eastwood cinema with my family the day this shot was taken. My brother (Nate again, yes, I know) had a card that allowed us a discount and since watching movies as a whole is usually pretty pricey for us, it was something we latched onto. I cannot remember if we watched Spidey 3 or something else, but I do recall this was sometime before the 2nd or 3rd Pirates movie came out and whoever did the usual decor at the theatre had a sense of humor I could totally approve of.

This was my favorite shot of the bunch, clearly. :) I like leaving individuals like Mr. Toucan here flabbergasted with the threat of sudden kisses. :"D


On other news, I finished arranging Writing A New Novel yesterday. It's been a while since I sat down at the keys to hammer a song out, matching what I have on the sphere of the waking to the one I hear in my head.

It needs polishing, true. But I'm still riding the high. I should drag my keyboard up here and perform it for Jacki dragondreamfire via Skype sometime. :)

this is my life, picspam, they who are win: hiei, meme, icons are such pretty things

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