[update] wishful thinking -- me & steph on the dilemma of the ocean between us;

May 21, 2010 11:11

[11:00] beautybedamned: bb :( why do we not live close to each other?
[11:00] skwinkilios: My goal for my life is to learn how to apparate
[11:00] skwinkilios: since there are too many far away people ;;
[11:05] beautybedamned: ;;
[11:05] beautybedamned: /clings to
[11:05] beautybedamned: i say teleportation devices are a must for every home =|
[11:06] skwinkilios: Yes
[11:06] skwinkilios: we would save so much on gas
[11:08] beautybedamned: :)

they who are win: skwinky, this is my life, set aside: chat logs, my friends are awesomesauce

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