[update] look at you, you're growing up so young;

Mar 31, 2010 11:43

Growing up is full of big moments.
Some of them you can see coming from a mile away,
and some you can't see at all.
                    - The Wonder Years

I've been paging through this little 2010 planner that Sis isiseden got me for Christmas. :) I don't have a picture of it right now, but I'm thinking I'll take one over this weekend and attach it to this post after the fact.

In any case, its a planner that is (imho) too pretty to write anything on because when you open it, it's kind of like a book all its own - one filled with beautiful pictures from deviantART no, I am not sure if the people who made this obtained the artists' thumbs-up but at least they credited, yes? and quotes from books and movies and songs for every day of this year.

Its a very inspiring thing and incredibly lovely to look through on the commute or over lunch while sipping on a milkshake from ARMY NAVY.

(It also happens to be where I got the quote up there, as I barely remember The Wonder Years.)


Some thoughts for the road;

I think I've finally slipped out of my funk. Stress on the think because I'll be the first to admit that it can be difficult to guage and be sure these days. I've yet to figure out the whys and the hows, but I at least have the long weekend to look forward to for moments of introspection without disruptions from outside demands read: work, life (sort of) and other things that somehow derail me.

Spent the last week and a half struggling with this... weight that I couldn't seem to shrug off. It sort of settled around my neck and shoulders the moment I stepped off the stage at Conspi and I'm only too grateful for the pep-talks, reassurances and words of encouragement from good friends and family to help kind of drill in that I did good, that there is no need to feel anxious or panicked or like I let myself down somehow.

It doesn't make sense, I know, but feelings like this rarely do.

But yes. It feels really, really good to feel like I can breathe again.


And while this happened almost two weeks ago--

Jing uploaded the photos her brother Jason took of RAISING RAVI's Kick-Off last night. :) I was actually heading off to bed when the news feed on my Facebook updated and I caught sight of the whole slew of pictures documenting performances, guests and the before and afters (more or less).

Swiped five shots for this post because these are my favorites and I really wanted to share.

I saw this glowing bright when Dad drove me over.
I swear, my hands started sweating when it started
to hit me that this was for real. :)

Last-minute print-outs by Jing :) My name's there!

Me singing the debut of "Telescope" backed by INDUS

Just chillin' outside: Sammu alluriel,
Mel skylites, Me and Nate _thenothing_

:) = Da, Maie and Me.

It's a bit scary that the 17th is nearing. There's still so much to do ahahaha, helpful tip: projects like this might work better with more than just 3 people LOL and things to finalize, but at least we've got more time than the last one. :) I'm happy to report at least that Rain Mayo has given her okay to playing. :) I just need to check with Jing who else will be performing.

A shoutout to the Famiglia-- come watch? Please? :) Or I shall sic Bossu Aggychu nonartisan on you. Karen innocentlyjaded has already given me her word to be there. So. Yes. Please do come. Will post details as soon as I get the final line-up of artists.

P.S. I miss people. What's up with y'all lately?

this is my life, picspam, event: raising ravi benefit bar tour, words to live by, things i need to say

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