[update] put this hand outside of the frame;

Jan 12, 2010 13:05

Rapunzel [listen]
Emilie Autumn

In a courtyard
Used to sing as loud as she could
Locked away here
She's been quiet, lovely and good
But no one listens now
She lost her voice, she had no choice

If you sing loud and clear, someone passing by will surely hear you
No you can't be afraid, if you ever want somebody near you
If you sing loud and clear, someone passing by will surely hear you
No, you can't be afraid

Tore the curtain
Put her hand outside of the frame
Let her hair down
Sat all day and nobody came
But when the sun went down, the stars came out
She heard them shout:

If you sing loud and clear, someone passing by will surely hear you
No you can't be afraid, if you ever want somebody near you
If you sing loud and clear, someone passing by will surely hear you
No, you can't be afraid

Musical Break: Fiddle Solo

But when the sun went down, the stars came out
She heard them shout:

If you sing loud and clear, someone passing by will surely hear you
No you can't be afraid, if you ever want somebody near you
If you sing loud and clear, someone passing by will surely hear you
No, you can't be afraid

If you sing loud and clear, someone passing by will surely hear you
No, you can't be afraid...

I keep on trying to put together a decent post for LJ, but everytime I start, I stop and then forget to post it altogether. So let's try this again: First, a meme--

tagged by jacki dragondreamfire

a. list seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
b. tag seven people to do the same.
c. do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it." (Really? Damn, LOL).

When I collect a book series I need (yes, NEED) the books to be the same covers/sizes. It drives me nuts when they aren't. If I can't get them in that size, I don't get them at all. Better to wait than buy impulsively and then look at my shelves and go all ><; because they don't match.

I am very specific about my bedsheets and pillow cases. Call me anal (as we can see from my previous quirk) but I need to know that they match. Its not that I wouldn't be amenable to mismatches bed and pillow coverings if they worked or had a common color or theme -- but when they have certain themes it looks a little messy if I just toss them all together. =|

If I don't plan my outfit in advance, I tend to change at least four times. To my mother's homesong frustration, sometimes I end up going back to the very first outfit anyway. LOL.

I can sleep in odd nearly pretzel-like positions.

I am the 4th generation "Grace" in my family.

(A bunch of people know this already but) Had I been born a boy, my parents would have named me after a character from Lord of the Rings. ;)

When in amusement parks, I love haunted houses (even the crappy stupid ones), tolerate the thrill rides but absolutely will never ride things like EK's Flying Fiesta. I always have the morbid image of the chain snapping and sending me crashing somewhere.

tagging: Nate _thenothing_, Sian siannanigans, Mom homesong, Kam slpwlkngdreamer, Hope coffeebased, Cyn vacivity, Marie snakeprint

I'm not entirely sure if "busy" is the appropriate word to describe how things have been. On one hand its kind of true when I talk about work and whatnot, but on the other hand, it also isn't when pertaining to the rest of my life outside of that. But anyway--

It's kind of sunk in now that we're well into the new year. I no longer hesitate when I key in 2010, as my fingers have adjusted in the last few days. I always have trouble aligning my brain into acknowldging the change in the year but this year's transition hasn't been too hard.

I wonder if it has anything to do with a change in the air. It's probably just me, but there is definitely something... different.

All the Christmas decorations have been packed away at home. We're going to have to rearrange some of the boxes in the stockroom under the stairs, but the suggestion of shunting the tree under my new bed is something Dad and I plan to explore this weekend.

There's something very bare about the way the house looks now that all the festive decorations have been put away. There's more space and that's a good thing, but I have this itch to think of other ways to make it as cheerful as it was in the last month and a half.

I've given Neal
deionscribe my promise that we're going to work on his room next, so ontop of setting aside the boxes that hold all our Christmas decor, I'm going to be surveying the contents of his room.

He needs a cabinet of his own especially since the chest of drawers that he used to use is a lost cause. Will be checking out MAKRO and SM to see if we can score something relatively cheap but sturdy and presentable. Its also kind of funny how Nate _thenothing_ asked about the bookshelf that I have in my room. There's a lot of unused vertical space in his room and he's thinking that he might get rid of the long shelf that's taking so much space in his room. He's not really holding out for the TV or anything like that in his room, but we'll see.

Punch is taking very well to my new bed. I had to laugh last night because for the first time since that little ball of furr learned to claim his territory we can finally fit comfortably in my bed without him complaining that I give him too little space (he takes the lion's share of the bed, mind you, while I am often relegated to whatever is left - and yes, this is a Shih Tzu).

My room has shrunk a bit, yes. My new daybed (pictures to follow, yes B dreamlessness, I have not forgotten my promise) is 12 inches longer (a double, I think they call it) than my old one and that means I had to move my TV shelf off-center to make room. There's still enough floor space and all my boxes (I need to lessen them, really) are now hidden from view - that is, except for the hat box that Em fsop gave to me for Christmas and the round boxes that I use to store my mask and hat supplies.

I need to do a bit of cleaning and I know that this is likely to earn my another jibe from Luis madcowblues that I am constantly fixing my room, but some things just never change with me, heh.

Things have been good at home. We've been more in touch with the rest of the Pico clan thanks to the Oovoo which allowed a three-way vidcon between our house, Maryland and Bacolod on New Year's Day. It was fun catching up with everyone and getting teased to fix my Visa so that at least that will be ready if in case I need to fly to Maryland in August for Gabby's debut. I will be fixing that, actually -- but um, when payday comes along.

Tita Riza left a note on my FB post about getting a webcam for the other Pasig house so that next time, we'll try for four - two from here in Manila, Bacolod and then the US. The application can go up to six, so even if Tita Wen, Tito Chris and Baby Chen go back to Texas no one will be left out.

It's Oovoo that I'm using to keep in constant touch with Dane mountainwing, although we send messages back and forth just as much on Twitter. There's something about seeing and talking to her though that makes up for the fact that she lives so far away from me and I can't really catch a bus or take the train to see her. It makes things a little less lonely, I suppose. I miss my extended family a great deal and its a shame I only get to see them on rare opportunities.

I'm crossing my fingers for that trip to Hong Kong though. I finally opened up to Tita Riza sometime before Christmas about seeing a therapist and working through my depression and the panic attacks that come and go. This is out of left field for a number of you, but I've been seeing a doctor since July 2009 and have been taking an anti-depressant called (of all things) "Serenata" to help me manage my moods and somehow fix my appetite and sleeping patterns. So far so good. To paraphrase from Dee prolixbrevity when he walked me to the train station last Saturday night - I feel and seem better now. I'm grateful and glad that that's the case.

Its kind of public knowledge now to the Pico clan. I think I scared Tita Riza a little - she kept on telling me she loved me and its kind of fuelling her resolve to really find us tickets so that it'll be just us girls on an out of country trip. There's no rush, really, but even the fact that she said she wants to give us the opportunity to travel is one of those things that makes me smile.

In the last couple of months (except the most recent ones) I haven't really allowed myself the opportunity to plan for anything big - any trips or whatnot. For awhile just getting through the week was a challenge so planning something for the not-so-distant-but-not-immediate-either-future is something that I shelved intentionally to relieve the tension in my chest.

I admit, there are still a handful of plans that I've sort of set behind a figurative glass shelf with the proverbial "Look, Don't Touch" sign taped to it. I may be a bit sturdier on my feet but I've learned that sometimes, pushing my luck is akin to forcing myself to believe that everything will fall into place when it's actually balanced on a trembling platform of playing cards.

Nevertheless, I hope it does push through. I've been scouring the Cebu-Pacific website for their Piso-fares and I've browsed the PAL site as well, though they're a bit pricier. It'll be a great way to celebrate Dane's graduation actually, the impending prospect of her nursing board exams as well as (this is just me though) the fact that I'm hitting my quarter-life birthday this year. Fingers crossed that this pushes through, I'd like to at least experience a trip to HK wherein I get to set foot in Ocean Park, something that I never got to do when I joiined the team there in 2003 and 2004.

Checked the clock on my computer. 12:54 now and that means my day is coming to a close.

It felt good writing this, but I know I'm a bit rusty since I had to stop and start all over again at some points. Will try to work on that and get back into the groove of things so that it'll feel as natural as dancing all over again.

In any case, plugging wouldyouliketea. I like sharing the stuff I read/listen to but I want to be able to know who has access to the stuff so if you're interested in my personal reccs, feel free to request membership.

Leaving off here for now to work some more.

much love,

P.S. Currently rereading Patricia Briggs' Mercedes Thompson series. What are you guys reading?

noey listens to music, this is my life, noey likes lists, songs to live by, meme, musician: emilie autumn

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