[update] flash fiction bit, some today-things and a birthday-recap as promised;

Apr 21, 2009 15:50


When my father first met my mother, she was standing with one arm drawn across her stomach, the wrist of that arm anchoring her other elbow as if the weight of unsaid things was too heavy for the hand and fingers curled over her mouth.

The photograph she was looking at was a print of a little girl about the age of three, gap-toothed and bright-eyed as small cupped hands offered up a flower. Though the intended focus was the girl, there was a bigger story around her -- drops of water on lashes and petals, one soft thing to another, told of rain. The flush on cheeks; of laughter and the exertion of little limbs running perhaps through a field or a garden. The little crescent of light that followed the top curve of brown eyes; afternoon sunlight, when everything is still gold before the blue dark. The smile. The flower.

He asked her then: Why this one? Why not the others? Countless other little girls and boys, teens, adults caught mid-moment. Lives of every shape and form.

And she answered him, without even looking over at this strange, curious man: My doctor just told me I can’t have children. Looking at her makes me think that miracles are possible if only you take the time to try.


I cut my finger by mistake this morning. Was half-asleep because I had to wake up earlier than usual and decided to wash what I could while Mom cooked breakfast and such. Accidentally nicked myself right underneath the nail while cleaning out the large tongs we use for when we grill stuff. I'd never seen so much blood before, at least not from cutting my finger by mistake. the tissue I used to apply pressure had patches of bright red when I tossed it in the transbin after Mom found the Betadine and Band-aids. It doesn't really hurt anymore, but I replaced the band-aid anyway; the cut is pretty deep.

A little more than thirty minutes before I log out. Signed in for the morning shift today as per my TL's request. I'll be happy to head home early. The sky looks really dark right now and I don't want to get caught in the rain.

Have begun to pack. Hadn't realized that May was so soon, but then again, sometimes the days seem to run together if I'm not careful or paying attention. Week after next we'll be setting foot in a new building which means I say goodbye to my usual places: the Books-for-Less, the 7-11, etc. Not really sure what to expect, but the last time we looked the place seemed really nice so that's something to look forward to.

The birthday thing was fun. Nothing too flashy or big. Didn't turn out to be the "picnic" I envisioned initially, but that's alright. Met up with Dee prolixbrevity, Pam izkariote, Kiribean redmoonmurder and Kang jpop_princess initially, grabbed lunch at Brothers Burger and caught up, had laughs and just talked as a whole. Kang & Rika have already announced this, but apparently Pam is God and then some. Was just really fun talking to everyone and being among friends.

Sis isiseden, Dex and Nina arrived sometime after, just in time to catch my parents, youngest brother and the family's "baby" before they headed home. From there, Dane (the cousin) was left with us (who promised not to get her lost in FullyBooked) and we headed to where one could take one's pick of books, coffee and of course, the blessed air-conditioning to continue said hanging out.

My legs have never felt more harrassed in my entire life. Seriously contemplating how this will be the last time that I will wear shorts in the presence of people. LOL.

Sometime after (when the outside cooled off) we headed on outside to just sit around and talk. Brought my Oracle deck out and read for Dee, sang "Writing A New Novel" a capella for Nina because she asked and then all but squeed at the sight of Sammu alluriel. "All but" because I am officially blind and did not catch sight of her until my brother _thenothing_ pointed her out to me. She has short hair. V. short. And I missed her very much. Seeing her again was awesome. :3

Day ended officially around 8-something in the evening because that's when we pretty much parted ways to head home. Got home soemtime past nine and opted to not eat dinner.

I got gifts -- plural because the second one, though news counts.

Sis got me Shel Silverstein's The Missing Piece which is now sitting on my shelf at home, carefully wrapped in plastic until I get that new bookshelf. It was something I needed, I think. Will be mildly cryptic about why exactly.

Second gift was Rika's little update on LAVI (as well as a bunch of other things I'm not sure if I'm allowed to discuss just yet, however--). This caught Dee's attention as soon as it was mentioned. I am ridiculously excited for the plans surrounding this baby, and I actually can't wait to see what Kiribean and Dan firstofsummer (who drew me an AWESOME birthday pic right over here \o) will come up with next. One thing I am sure of though, it'll be well worth the wait.

In any case, it was good to get out of the house. I already miss everyone ♥

Oh. Look at the time. Heading off, need to pack up for home.

this is my life, original prose, noey ♥s writing

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