[update] fading to quiet evening pale;

Mar 22, 2009 22:45

A Short Goodbye [listen]
Oren Lavie | Myspace

Sweet melodies
Breaking on a sullen ear
Will endear and bring memories
Sweet melodies

Sweet melodies
Cross an ancient battlefield
Soaring still and claim memories

Say a short goodbye,
a short goodbye now,
a short goodbye now.
Say a short goodbye,
a short goodbye now,
a short goodbye.

Sweet melodies
At a trembling finger stroke
Will evoke a skin memory
Sweet melodies

Sweet melodies
Fade to quiet evening pale
And a trail of white memories

Say a short goodbye,
a short goodbye now,
a short goodbye now.
Say a short goodbye,
a short goodbye now,
a short goodbye.

Winding down the weekend by browsing through deviantART for poetry. I know it's a kind of hit-or-miss thing, not like the poetry communities on LJ with people posting stuff from established poets, but I've when you jump from account to account based on the favorites of dA-ers who really work at the craft of it, you're bound to hit something interesting if not completely memorable. I'm sort of tempted to post some here, and I've done that before with two others, but maybe another time.

It's been something of a (not really hectic, but) busy two days. We've been cleaning and fixing the house again. More boxes were sent out, more papers thrown away (piled in what used to be a sack for rice), more things let go. I spent most of yesterday morning going through my cabinet sorting and refolding clothes into baskets of (a) stuff I no longer want and can give away, (b) stuff that will act as my conscience, and (c) dance/ballet stuff, (d) hockey-relevant things like jerseys, the "uniform" we wore on campus, socks, etc.

It was... refreshing. Breaking everything down to what was necessary and neatly putting them back (these old clothes at least, my everyday wear is still in shambles on the top two shelves) inside the cabinet felt like I was making progress.

I did the same for my loveseat this morning. I had stacked an inordinate amount of stuff on it -- baskets filled with clearbooks and binders and envelops and such, but I've cleared those away, taken out the boxes from underneath it and pretty much taken out crammed little things so that the air can circulate a bit more. Again, felt accomplished.

Afternoons (late ones albeit) have been spent out. Yesterday it was Greenhills to snag myself some blouses to go with my leggings, and today it was to MAKRO for storage items (plastic shoeboxes for me), an impromptu decision to buy my brothers a new blankets each and discounted pillowcases (2 of the same print) which will be for my bodypillow.

All in all, I feel like I've been constantly on my feet, if not randomly sitting down for a breather only to be pounced on by a 10.5 pound ball of fluff just out from the bath.


I've been keeping productive, if not writing (having trouble in that department) at least by sitting down and picking up songs. Fiddled around with the arrangement for "One Last Storm" and ended up playing something of a "mini-concert" (as Mom calls it) for my Mom. I haven't really been able to do that - play and sing for her - since we got here, but now that the living room's been freed up of boxes and the like it was something I indulged in briefly while she settled on the couch to finish drinking her soda.

It was nice. :) Just as nice as recalling some old songs that I've kept on the back burner, stuff that I wrote alongside the "ten", as I am wont to call my aspired-for tracklisting. Tinkered a bit with the rendition for "Lullaby", liked what I ended up singing over soap and dishes. And then finally settled the melody of "Writing A New Novel". Mama likes it. She says it sounds different from what I've already done, and while nerve-wracking, its something of a relief to hear.

Anyway. Have been sort of checking to see if I'm ballsy enough to put up a voicepost previewing these two songs. I guess on one hand, it'd be a joy to share what I do with all of you, even if it's just me and the computer mic and some electric fan in the back making it's whirring sounds. It'd be fun for me, in any case, never mind being scared out of my wits, ahahahaha.

So. Yeah.

I think that I will think about it a little more. L-lol.

Anyway. Jetting off for now. God, this heat. Ugh.

Night, lovelies.

musician: oren lavie, noey listens to music, this is my life, music, songs to live by

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