[update] Too much of a good thing is bad.

Mar 12, 2009 17:02

I won't go into painful detail, but I'll be staying away from ice cream (;;) and looking for alternative cold treats to act as soothing agents for my jaw and my head. Have also made a note to stock up on Dolfenal, since it's the only one thus far that's kicked in to numb the ache in my head.

Ten minutes to go before I skedaddle. Didn't feel particularly productive today despite my attempts to be. In fact, kind of want to shoot myself for (a) the headache, (b) the fact that I've just ruined my copy of The Looking Glass Wars just minutes after I finished reading the whole thing.

As my status message went this morning: This just isn't my day.

But moving on from whining to something relatively productive: TLGW is a fairly good read. I caught some reviews on it (both bad and good) before I even opened up the first chapter because lately, I've been making it a habit to sift through reviews before diving right in. It's something I wouldn't recommend to everyone, but it works in some way for me, especially since what I read as feedback on the novels allows me to consider them from a semi-detached standpoint. It also, strangely, gives me some fuel to surge on forward just when I think I'm losing interest.

Not that I lost interest in this one.

TLGW is a far-cry from the last fantasy novel I picked up -- The Dragon Waiting -- but it doesn't disappoint. The whole taking-Alice-in-Wonderland-apart and piecing it back together again in a completely different way is engaging and intriguing. Hands down, the coolest character is Hatter Madigan (as if I couldn't tell by the artwork included in the book itself), but there are others who kind of sneak up on you as well.

I actually like The Cat. :) He's an awesome villian, though I admit I have to resist this horribly childish urge to step on it's tail. Something that, in all honesty, I could never do to an actual cat ;;. I like Redd, though her mania causes my brow to rise every so often. Bibwit Harte is adorable, Alyss grows on me after awhile because I can understand the whole psychological aspect of self-preservation. I mean, the last thing anyone wants to be called in this world is crazy. It's also an interesting critique at society as a whole (but more on that later).

I feel for Dodge, but I guess I felt he could have been developed further and I'm hoping to see more of him when I buy a copy of Seeing Redd. I dunno, I guess it's expected since its slated as a trilogy, but after reading whole novels or books in a series that sort of end up complete in themselves, I find myself a little... meh over the ending of this. Too quick, too clean, I suppose? But don't get me wrong: It was a fun ride, and I admit I want more.

My favorite character though, is this little side-character who doesn't even have a real name. :) He's just referred to as "the rook" and unless I read it wrong, he's the same rook all throughout who takes his place at Dodge's side. :) I hope he shows up again. He's earned a slot in my heart. Hee.

Stil leafing through Under the Tuscan Sun, which I left at home. Itching to find a copy of the movie now so I can watch it all over again just because I've only seen it once.

How time flies. It's well past five. I hear the fx calling for me.
Have a good day (or night), lovelies. I'll catch you tomorrow.

P.S. Won't anyone join me in book_dressing? DDD:

this is my life, noey ♥s books

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