[update] out on the edge of the water;

Jan 30, 2009 09:30

Prayer for Beauty [listen]
Noe Venable | Website

Say a prayer for Beauty
They keep coming to take her apart
So many ways I've tried to say it
Oh my life, oh my gods, oh my heart

Say a prayer for Beauty
Like a ghost at the edge of the world
She runs out in her stockings
As invisible cities, they burn
As invisible cities, they burn

Say a prayer for Beauty
That she's holding your hand
Even when you can't see her
And I think Mercy waits to take your hand
At least till you can admit that you need her
Well, I need her

In my hour of darkness
When I need you and find you so faraway
And all seems without purpose
Anything you could dream or could say
Anything you could dream or could say

Just say a prayer for Beauty
That she's holding your hand
Even when you can't see her
And Mercy waits to take your hand
At least till you can admit that you need her
Well, I need her

Oh, the edge
She's out on the edge
She's out on the edge of the water
Oh, the edge
She's out on the edge
She's out on the edge
Forgive her
Say a prayer for beauty
Oh, oh, ohhhhh

Another day, another Friday.

Am back to work, for today at least. Would have filed for leave all the way to tomorrow since there's still a lot of packing to see to, but the threat of an auto-VL for not attending tonight's party strikes fear into my eensy, weensy heart. Besides, apparently I cannot bail. I have been informed that I am singing after dinner. o-orz Will be leaving early though, which was okay by Mommy D, one of the organizers.

Now, a recap is in order: Baby brother represented his school last Monday in a Science & Math competition. His group didn't win, but they did qualify and another group representing Northfield won first place. :) I love hearing about Neal's academic exploits, especially when I hear stuff like how proud my parents sound when they say that while everyone else is still writing Neal is done and just reviewing his answers. My bb, he is smart. He is also more comfortable with me now. Was washing dishes last night and he pulled up a stool to tell me about this science-fiction project he's dreaming up and putting to paper. :)

LAE results are still not out. At least, I've heard nothing of it. Twin/other brother Nate _thenothing_ took the UP Law School examinations last December and I've said nothing of it until now but I catch myself twisting paper and sitting on the edge of my seat for news. This is something my brother wants so badly and I really want him to have it. We all have plans post-college, Nate more so. Was looking through his What-drives-you post and got a bit weepy-eyed at the stuff that he said. I've always envied my brother's ability to visualize and then go for things. I'm a terrible coward when it comes to dreams and taking risks and I've only started to take a leaf out of his book.

Packing is going well -- could be better, but at least I'm sloughing through tossing out papers I don't need, organizing those that I do. I found all of my critical readings from my Literary History of the Philippines class, the handouts and photocopies we got for my Poetry Techniques class and the readings from Fiction Techniques. Stored these in a box and will buy file cases for each of them eventually. I'll be reviewing for the comprehensive exams some summer after all.

I also dug out stuff from Creative Non-fiction. Mia Tijam's piece still takes my breath away and found Dani's (Miller, co-conspirator alongside Kathy and my Kam) "Empty" and found myself missing her and weepy over the story she had to tell. She's in LA now, I think. I see her sometimes on YM and we sometimes talk, but I guess it's sort of not the same? I remember, there four of us (and a random fifth sometimes) would have lunch together in-between Saturday classes at EGI or coffee at the Starbucks at the end of Taft. One day, I will see her again.

There's a lot to do, really. I need to pack clothes into the clear plastic bags Mom and I bought at MAKRO yesterday (I got fluffy blankets xD wheee~) but that'll be for tomorrow. At least my stuffed toys (my original Care Bears, etc) might be going ahead today, along with some of the books from the bookshelf or whatever Mom packed in advance.

The stuff from the Eurostyle cabinet went ahead on Wednesday: my faeries, the assorted collections, my parents' old hobby books (photography, crafts, etc). Furniture starts going tomorrow. There was a remark about eating dinner from plastic plates on a mat on the floor since the dining table is clearly heading off, same with the cabinet we use for our tableware, but Mom mentioned a folding table so we might not need to (though I suspect Punch won't mind really).

Its a really nerve-wracking reality, but I'm very much inlove with it, despite the initial worries and apprehensions. And while I'm still twiddling my thumbs about how commuting will work out next week, I'm just glad that things are gradually falling into place.

I've promised people pictures, but those'll have to wait until we finally settle in. There's a possible second trip to MAKRO since the parents and I came to a consensus that we really need to buy our own power drill. So much stuff to hang up -- pictures along the staircase (what Mommy calls a "brag wall"), hooks for the Baguio masks, the brooms out back and so on and so forth. A lot of welding too, I think, but am not so sure about this one yet.

I'll be reporting our progress again in the next few days -- at least from work since we're not likely to have a phone line or internet for awhile. I pray PLDT (we saw an office in a building right outside the subdivision) can attach a phone quickly and that if we must shift to Globe that I do not need to bang my head for very long. Not too long. xX; Ugh, clearly, so dependent on technology. I will not be crippled though, not really. If things take awhile to be set up there's always text and it'll mean more writing on my part. I've done so little of it in the past week.

But I babble.

Now, for poetry. My favorite from local poet Merlie M. Alunan, printed on page 61 of her Selected Poems which I have wanted to share for the longest time. :)

The wisdom of travelers

What to keep, what to bring,
what to leave behind,
these travelers know.
What to remember, what to forget
of names, faces, words, handshakes,
kisses exchanged at depots,
airports, junctions, train stations,
oases of one kind or another-
spaces traversed, signs, souvenirs
collected or left behind, treasures
of the open road, or trash.

What feet may reach against
the mind's arrogance soaring wingless
to Alpha Centauri light years away,
daring the arctic whalepath,
piecing a bacterium's elegant minutiae
as it swims in amniotic oblivion
in a Petri dish. Is the Universe
ruled by chance or design? Who knows?
How far is far, what measures near,
enough or not, a little or too much?

Make no point to nail finality
on truth. Height, depth, breadth
are mere volitions faith strives to scale.
We know, or we do not,
the givens of the road gauge our chances
or anyone else's. What else is there?
When to receive or turn away,
how to give kindness, what to hold back,
to flee danger, resist uncertainty.

And while the sea foams, or wind billows,
a fierce rain rattling the rooftops,
to choose to go, or stay
warm beside the fire,
amid strangers, heartened by light,
drink and bread, the rare shelter
of some sudden friends.

P.S. I found out that Ms. Alunan has a blog. Flailing now.

noey listens to music, this is my life, poetry, songs to live by, poet: merlie m. alunan

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