[update] this is where i go: wthdidigetmyselfinto?!??

Oct 29, 2008 08:13

2 days until NaNo. ASDFKLJHASDF.
Okay. I LIED.
I don't have it as together as I wanted to think.
Panicking now.

*goes to finish Maite's profile and finally buck up and get to work on Caty's*

Addendum: 8.52am

Better now. Panic was hunger-induced. This will teach me to think that I can hold out until my break. Meh.

Chatting with Pam izkariote and thinking clearly. :)
Hello world, good morning.

this is my life, nano whut? can has, noey is deluded, noey is plotting, pam this is your fault, noey goes wtf?, noey fails at life

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