[update] omg it is done;

Jul 27, 2008 01:00

After weeks and weeks of dealing with this monster--

OMG the fic is DONE.

... *izded*

Love shoutouts and thank yous to Cyn vacivity & Rika redmoonmurder for fuelling Rikkai!High and thus leading into this. Kam slpwlkngdreamer for being my numero uno sounding board. Hope coffeebased -- omgiamsosorryforwakingyouupjustoaskabout"coffeemasters"ILU?. Manda shini02 for the encouragement; and AGGY nonartisan/a_lighter_side who cheered me on for XI, XII and that blasted XIII omg.

I am otherwise made of fail without you. *chu*

this is my life, that thing called fanfic

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