[update] on current news;

Jun 24, 2008 07:02

Divers in the Philippines are preparing to drill into the side of a ferry that capsized on Saturday in the hope of finding passengers still alive in air pockets. The MV Princess of Stars sank in a typhoon near Sibuyan, about 150 kilometres south of Manila. More than 700 people are still missing and 33 survivors have been pulled from the water. A US Navy ship is expected to arrive late Tuesday in the Philippines to help search for those who are still missing. [read article]

I've been catching up on news surrounding the Princess of the Stars. It's more than a little chilling to read about it. I was in the car on the way over to work when the radio host announced that the US Navy would be helping out with Search & Rescue and I muttered to myself something like "Is there even any real chance that people are still alive?"; Dad only responded, "in movies." So I guess that pretty much sums everything up.

Dad told me yesterday that this is the fourth ship that's sunk for this company and that the tragedy would be brought before the senate for investigation. I find it more than a little sad that people are clamoring for someone to blame, though I guess you can't really fault them for taking out their grief in whatever way they can. I find it sadder that a company just goes "I'm sorry, it won't happen again" and we're at four ships. Granted, there was a storm and it's always dangerous out in open water, but I read another article saying that they was enough time to turn back before they were actually hit. If this is true, well.

It's probably stupid to hope, but I'm crossing my fingers a little, futile as it may be, that maybe, there just might be people still in there. They're planning to cut open the ship, after all. We'll never know until it happens, right?

elsewhere on the news, in my country

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