obligatory wednesday post;

Mar 12, 2008 13:22

Am still thinking up responses to the 'blog-this' requests on my previous post, but I think my brain is just too dead right now to see to them.

Work fails, epically (as per usual). Totally looking forward to being on leave tomorrow and on Friday which means I get to rest, I get to write, I get to think, I get to sleep. We have a new process in place and I can already feel my brain cringing at the amount of work that's being set up for us.

I hate to say this, but I feel severely underpaid for the headaches that are due to come in. Maybe I'm jumping the gun a little -- I honestly don't know. We spent the entire morning and afternoon yesterday going through the training session for the new process and my brain all but shut down.

Days like this I can't help but remember what Hiei mad_maeglin asked me a couple of months ago, about whether I was okay with my job or if I was just dealing with it because it's the one that gives me the income that I need to put myself through graduate school and see to some other things that I might want to do outside of my job.

Talking to Kam right now. And Vierge. Working on the chapters I need to revise, moving them to dA. Want it all done so I can work and so that I can take down something that will most definitely help me to breathe easier. Vague, I know. It's the attitude of the day.

On other things, I have also rediscovered that I am oddly sensitive again even if it's about not me but about other people. Once more, let me be vague. Maybe I'm just tired. Probably me just tired.

this is my life

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