i wish i still had my christmas icon;

Dec 24, 2007 07:10

It's pretty bizarre, sitting here on Christmas Eve. I guess I'm just not used to the idea of working on what is essentially a holiday (local offices don't have work, President declared special holiday), then again, I didn't really have to worry all too much about that last year, since Dec. 24 fell on a Sunday and the two extra days of extended weekend (we don't work on the 26th since it's a hoiday in Australia and servicing Australia... well, you know how it goes) followed immediately after.

Just printed my request for leave. Figured requesting it this early might at least guarantee the approval. Saw that 22-24 still had slots of a sort (24 had 1, but we'll see if I can still get that) and have decided that if I can block out that entire week to stay at home and just spend it with my family, then all will be well. But anyway.

The tree is bursting with gifts. x3 Well, as much as I could get it to burst. It's significantly more than the last week or so since Mom and I did a significant amount of wrapping (the boys, sadly, do not have the finger dexterity for the task, mwahahaha). I still have a couple more to polish off (4 items for Neal, 1 for Nate _thenothing_ which I have to run to the mall to get later), but for the most part everything's been dented.

Recap: Ran off to Shangrila with my brother (Nate) last night just to see what we could buy for Mom homesong. Dad had brought me out earlier so that we could attempt to make a dent on her wishlist too. So far, so good. :) Nate and I even managed some last-minute shopping for Dad. Tee-hee.

Saturday was funfunfun. Parents drove me over to Sammu's alluriel where I saw her, Terrie, Kam-love slpwlkngdreamer and Hoppit coffeebased. Handed out gifts to everyone except Terrie (bracelet's still not done) and hung out for awhile indulging in crazy and each other's company. Everyone but Sammu (and Terrie, for obvious reasons) opened their gifts. Best line was from Hope who said "you give the best gifts" -- do I? ^^; -- and best thing to see was Kam promptly squealing at the sight of the TF stickers that I'd snagged from GreenHills. Heard her swear at Megatron for taking up too much room hence the other Jazz stickers being small, but she was too happy, I think at the sight of something to cart around with her. Heheh. As for Sammu's gift, well. XD I showed it to everyone else. Damn girl says she wants to open it tonight, I'm cool with that. I'm crossing my fingers, hoping that she'll like it.

From there we hitched out butts over to GreenBelt 1, Chili's. Ordered "bottomless nachos" which ran out, but then was back again because the truck arrived with a new shipment. I repeat (for teh funny mostly, and because the girls will see this post and I think I'll get Hope at least to comment, haha): the BOTTOMLESS/REFILLABLE NACHOS, RAN OUT.

Ohlol. I think we scared our waiter. He must've thought we were making fun of him. But really. So funny. >3

Sis isiseden joined us a little later. :) She sprained her ankle the night before so she told us she'd just go from Jesse's house straight over to Chili's so she could rest. Saved her a fajita and the chips were still flowing and let her drink from my iced tea. Got ganged-up on by Hoppit, Kam and Sis who all prefer the elder Winchester to the younger and all three stressed they could not fathom how I could prefer the younger over the older. x.X

Lol. But yeah, gave Sis her her gift, still owe her one more since Christmas is both Christmas and her birthday and one of the biggest complaints of those who have to merge the holiday with their birthday is that people just give them one gift instead of two. I lacked time to make the damn thing (it's something that I know and feel that she'd really enjoy, no telling for now just to keep the surprise) since well, finals and work and work and work and WORK >< ugh, stupid work. But I'll be seeing her post-holiday season anyway since our scheds pretty much match this time around.

After our incredibly extended dinner, wherein at some point I messaged my parents requesting for an extension so I could hang out a little more, we hung out and camwhored a bit outside (my Mom replied 'we're just ordering dinner at Fish & Co.' -- a date, I tell you, haha) and pictures will follow once I am at home and can enjoy the intarwebz without going PFFFFT over cases (;___; can you hear the Noeywangohome?). Got picked up by Sammu's driver and headed back to her place.

Blue, btw, is no longer my favorite color. At least, not for awhile. Damned puzzle. I don't think I can ever think of flowers, bees and Kanga and Roo the same way again. Best lines when going crazy over said Winnie the Pooh and Co. puzzle: "Where is the bee's butt?" "Noey, did you hear that?" "Shaddup, Kam." "Krys, I think this might be the bee's butt." "Thanks, Sammu." And of course, what would it be without TF references: "Kam! Where are you going? Traitor! Come back here! Don't leave us!" "She's going to the damned computer Sammu -- KAM! No sacrifice! No victory!" "Don't gimme that Noey!" "Kam! Get away from the computer and come back here." *insert mad cackling as Kam reads TF comic strips off of dA* Everyone else: "..."


Who knew puzzles could incite such insanity. Note, btw, that the whole time that this was going on, Terrie was just quiet. Haha. GOD. I love these girls. They bring me so much happy.

Got picked up at around 10:30 or sometime after that. Sis went home with me despite having work at 5am the next day. We hung out, talked and stayed up. I slept at 4am and moved my mattress to my parents' room and was woken up by Punch who kept on licking my nose.

Me; *wakes up, groggy because dog is licking nose*
Punch; *lick, good morning*
Me; *pulls up blanket and covers face*
Punch; *whine* *paws at me*
Me; *peeks out*
Punch; *resumes licking*
Me; *pulls up blanket to cover face*
Punch; *whine* *pawpawpaw*
Me; wtfPunch. *gets up and smishes dog and gives up on trying to sleep*

My clock, btw, read 10:38. Oh sleep. So elusive.

*stares at work screen for awhile*

Typical Monday. Ohwell. I have family and Christmas to look forward to, so I can do this. I can do this.

my kam, friends, sismylove, the holidays: christmas, the punchcapades, this tag belongs to hope, they who are win: sammu

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