Started this entry at around 6:34am.

Jun 02, 2006 08:05

D-day. So this entry will probably be as rambly as I am sleepy.

Just got up and am thinking that I'm going to need to down an Advil just to relieve myself of the pain in my body. Dress Rehearsal's set for today, which also means it's the day when the studio's owner comes in to assess the dances. And let me tell you, Miss Teng is as scary as they get. She's a dancer herself and a member of the company itself... so... yeah. My tush is toast if I don't do well.

I'm praying that everything goes perfect well today. I was pretty frazzled at Contemporary Dance yesterday since I messed up thrice at the same part in our piece, and while I'm thankful that Miss Nina managed to figure out why it went wrong, I'm still setting myself into the mind-frame wherein I absolutely cannot let Miss Nina down. I'm technically second line, but nearly dead-center, and I am also the cue for the other dancers to head into the next dance sequence. It's unnerving to have that one part give me hell, balance and all, since it never gave me problems before.

*breathes in and out* I won't. I won't mess up. I will do good. I will be great. Better than great.

Musical Theatre was terrific. It's final, everyone sings for the second number -- onstage or not. It's too good an idea to let go, and one that's too much fun. Love the kids, because other than the fact that they're a wonderful bunch, they love me back and that makes me mooshy.

I need a picture with them. Will beg Angel to be my photographer again.♥

As for ballet piece, rehearsals went well. Sir Avel watched the rehearsal, as did Sir Jethro, though only Sir Avel gave his two cents. Feel satisfied that some of the things that I was trying to get across to my classmates when I did my best to rehearse them were re-mentioned by an expert. Hah! >< I cling to these moments of 'I-was-right' like a gecko because I went home feeling like crap twice since nobody was listening or cooperating.

Finished sewing the ribbon onto my Jazz outfit while watching SPN last night (yes, it was Bloody Mary), which softened the blow of the episode (because I ended up sleeping well). I'm terrible when it comes to anything that veers to horror because my imagination has the bad tendency to go crazy at night. Haha. xp Will sew on the ribbons for my top later when my wrists stop aching. Guh. ><

Other than that, everything's pretty much set for me.

To everyone at skysthelimit_06 -- ANGEL lock_n_pop IS BACK AND SHE WILL BE COMING LATER! Guys! If you read this, let's meet up at the studio at around 11:30-12:00nn. That way, if anyone wants to review, we can do it downstairs. I already told Angel to drop by at around that time.


Am catching up on my RPs. Been so occupied with the workshop that I've left Ran and Howl to go idle for a time. I guess I should be thankful that it's con season or else I might be worrying about being put on the Activity Check list. Glad that's not the case though.

Will leave things at that for now. See ya kids.

this is airdance, event: workshop, game: paixao, that thing called rp

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