Still awake and aching.

Apr 21, 2006 01:09

Two things.

First: Workshop started yesterday and I attended the company class to experience something totally out of my comfort zone. A troupe called Chasing Whales dropped in to join in class yesterday -- I don't know all of the details, but I do know they're concerned with learning and getting to know culture and the arts in various countries.

Or at least, that's what I understood from what Teacher Donna said yesterday.

They're a pretty assorted bunch: a Brazilian acrobat/dancer, a Turkish actress/dancer, a Japanese dancer from Tokyo (Nuriko), a Japanese director from Kyoto (Ken?), Jacob who is a director/dancer/all-around guy who I didn't catch where he was from, and a dancer from Thailand whose name I have temporarily forgotten. Three guys, three girls.

Add to that the entire Airdance company, plus four full scholars who had absolutely no idea what the hell to do. We danced to songs by Tori Amos -- or at least, it sounded like Tori Amos. And I swear, I had no idea if I moved right at all. I get the feeling I was all over the place.

The class was mostly contemporary dance -- I expected as much considering that that is what Airdance is after. The only thing I worry about is that the steps were so different from what Sir Paul and Teacher Bunny showed us in previous classes that I had no idea how to translate it neatly into movement done by my own body.

The half-scholars were there too. Sir Paul had Ate She SMS everyone so that they'd watch and get an idea of what they'll be teaching us.

Had a stab at things today again -- though I just found out that my TH sched is heavy on ballet -- took Composition class under Myra Beltran and then Adult Ballet under Sir Jethro who was standing in for Teacher Nina.

We did have Contemporary Dance under Sir Paul though -- and then Basic Breakdance under Sir Jojo. *laughs* I think my legs gave way somewhere along the line. Will attempt to do much better next week. In the meantime there's tomorrow to worry about.

Second: I have in my possession Diana Wynne Jones Howl's Moving Castle! :D THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU S white_death! Mail came in yesterday technically still in time for my birthday (sort of, one day late doesn't matter much). I started reading it today and will read it again as soon as I finish checking all that I need to check online.

VErdict thus far though is this: Howl = idiot

'nuff said.

event: workshop, the birthday tag, noey ♥s mail

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