Dec 13, 2010 03:21
So I realize it's been a while....but I just want to touch on some forgotten memories. lol
I've been doing some talking, some thinking, ect, and I don't really know what happened my first year in Washington but it all seems such a blur. It's weird. Complicated. I don't know how to explain, but some things would seem like it just happened yesterday, while others seem they happened decades ago.
It's like I blocked that whole year out unconsciously. I didn't even realize I was doing it until I had a conversation with my mom, and realized my whole perception of that year is totally skewed and messed up. For some odd reason, I didn't even think Brian was living with us that first year, when he did. I mostly remember being in my room, doing homework, not sleeping, dark skies.
I've also realized that when I think back to the first time I moved here, I totally skip that school year. I either think of freshman year initially, or that summer we got there. But even that is really fuzzy. It seemed that summer was really long, and happened in yearly intervals instead of months. The beginning of that summer was fun, but the second part didn't even seem like it belonged. Like it was another summer in itself. Sometimes, I feel like I'm missing a big part of my brain. There's this big gap, and what ever detail I can recover, I don't even know what order it goes in anymore.