Nov 16, 2005 09:25
I just finished Sybille Bedford's A Favorite of the Gods, which I enjoyed - BUT - why are there so many books about pretty, white, rich people feeling sorry for themselves? Maybe because I come from good peasant, working-class stock where people knew real troubles and just had to get on with life; I find myself becoming increasingly inpatient with books about people with no problems in life feeling sorry for themselves. The author doesn't seem to feel the need to slap these people; but I certainly do. I do like Bedford's writing style; maybe I'll try her biography of Huxley.
So when did the Gilmore Girls fire their original writers and hire the staff of soap opera writers? And bad soap opera writers, say from Days of Our Lives where they write plots about devil possession and kill the same character more than once; and not All My Children writers who know how to throw out witty lines now and again. Luke has an unknown daughter that runs DNA for a science fair? Anyone else see the pretty shark?
To console myself I bought a Burger King Value Meal just so I could get the Luke Skywalker watch. Now Luke Skywalker is a pretty, white boy that actually had problems and got on with life. I like Luke Skywalker, and he's very cute on a watch.
star wars