(no subject)

Oct 04, 2008 21:49


The day went as usual at Marianna Middle School, but one thing is different: 7th grade teacher and coach Greg Howard is no longer an employee. He was suspended without pay for 10 days starting Thursday for making racial slurs at presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Our source told us Howard asked his students what "change" stood for and proceeded to write out the acronym "change"- come help a n(word) get elected.

Jackson County's Deputy School superintendent says he's received conflicting reports, but he can confirm change and the n-word were used.

"That teaches them to think negative thoughts, which shouldn't happen because they're there to learn, not discriminate," said Billy Delahunt, Barack Obama supporter.

"We will not stand behind anything racial that anybody has to say. Race shouldn't play an issue in this election," said Ulonda Peterson, Jackson County McCain campaign volunteer.

Deputy Superintendent Moore would not go on camera but he released a statement saying "Actions of this nature are inappropriate and will not be tolerated by the Jackson County School Board."

Howard is being transferred to the Jackson County Adult Education Program and some parents say that's not enough.

"I think that he shouldn't be hired back as a teacher," said Roy Bush, parent.

Howard has been released from his football coaching responsibilities and his actions are being reported to the Florida Department of Education. He is also required to attend diversity and sensitivity training as part of his disciplinary action.

Howard was first suspended on September 29th with pay. Wednesday he was given a written reprimand. He will also have to write a letter of apology to the students involved.

Classy. And I love that they're taking cues from the pedo priest shuffle of the Catholic church and just moving this moron to another school.

Howard is getting 'sensitivity training' and writing a letter of apology to the students. What a crock. Sensitivity training? How about losing-your-ass-and-starving-on-the-street training? You'll learn not to run your mouth on the job next time you get one, if you do. Sensitivity training is bullshit. These people don't need sensitivity training, they need kicks to the face.

The middle school has a web page, as does the Florida Department of Education. Feel free to share your thoughts with them regarding this racist scumbag.

florida, racism, obamarama, stupid people

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