Tea with Doctor Who, or What an Excellent Sunday

Aug 12, 2007 12:54

1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, or your favorite kind of sandwich, maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.

Okay, who wants questions?

Questions from cereselle:

1. What's your favorite genre to write in?

Heh. You know, I did a big tirade once about that very question. In fact, a few years ago, I experienced a major writer's block because someone who claimed to be in the know told me I had to decide my genre.

My current projects are:

1) Editing a short story about a detective that's a birthday present two year's late for a friend.
2) A therapy piece about ex-lovers who reconnect to discover a surprise.
3) My novel about a man who's going to kill God.
4) A treatment for a television show.

I have a murder mystery novel I'm still working out in my head, along with a story about an angel and something else that slips my mind right now.

I know a fledgling writer should choose a genre as part of marketing and presentation. However, I just can't seem to do it. I can't be objective enough about my own writing. Plus, I have such a problem with labels that it drives me to distraction. It took me years to come up with Taoist Gaiaist for my religious description.

2. Your three favorite characters are sitting in a room together. What do they talk about?

Jesus Christ, I've just spent the better part of an hour wandering around the house having a ball with this. Couldn't you just see Hiro (from Heroes) impressing the stones off the Doctor (preferably Nine or Ten from Doctor Who)? Shawn (from Psych) would drive Dream (from The Sandman) right around the bend - worse than any of his siblings. Logan (Wolverine from any of the X-Men incarnations) arguing with Jack Harkness (Doctor Who & Torchwood)) about who's going to live longer.

I won't go into what happened with Marv (from Sin City) ran into Barbosa (from Pirates of the Caribbean). Or Winnie-the-Pooh and El Mariachi (from the El Mariachi Trilogy). Or when Charlie (from Anansi Boys) met Spider (From Transmetropolitan).

Though Crowley (Good Omens), Harry Dresden (from The Dresden Files) and Hellboy had one of the most interesting discussions to date.

However, my three favorite character sitting in a room together would be Sherlock Holmes, The Doctor (Tenth Regeneration) and Captain Jack Sparrow. I believe the discussion would start out on Jack and what his life is like with both Holmes and the Doctor being keen on learning all they could about the past. However, Jack would use the conversation to subtly earn a trip in the TARDIS to either gain treasure or rum. Holmes would continually work over the time continuum to death until he worked out the console him, learning to drive the TARDIS.

All and all, quite an adventure.

3. What is your conception of the afterlife?

There is none. Much like everything else on this planet, we're recycled. Ashes, dirt and energy returns for reuse.

4. Would you ever consider adoption?

Yes. I tried in Michigan, but didn't meet the strict criteria.

5. Would you be interested in hitting Key West around New Year's with me? :)

Always. *grins* Hopefully, hubby will have work by then and we can afford it.


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