Oct 02, 2009 18:51
We have stayed in Portland too long. While back home in Florida, I collect people. Every day on US1, a woman with the biggest bo-legs I've ever seen walks to and from work. A homeless man in a down-feathered coat sleeps on the bus bench across from the convenient store near my house. The woman with the Tweety bird tattoo works the gas station across the street from my work. I know none of their names, but I know them on sight and know a bit about them.
It has started here. I noticed it last night waiting for the trolley. A young, pudgy man with a Jew-fro ran past me. I remembered him from the day before swinging on one of the over-head, handrail bars. This morning, an elderly gentlemen exited the trolley with a bag of fishing supplies and an empty cat litter bucket. He rode the trolley when we returned home this afternoon. I'm passing light rail drivers on the sidewalk.
Apparently, we have been in Portland too long.
the boy