LoudTwitter took a beating and sent today's tweets:
- @ Goldielox73 Book promotion. #
- RT @nickjfrost: I wish there was a clear toaster available so i could see exactly how my toast is doing without having to pop it up. #
- RT @Glinner: RT @TheSpohie 13 Writing Tips by Chuck Palahniuk tumblr.com/xnw31sppb (via @MerylORourke) #
- Raise your hand if you would like a "do-over" on today? What is up? Today overflows with suckage and stupid. #
- Thought this was fun and a great pictures. tinyurl.com/m6dcfb #nasa #disney #
- Today's awesome catchphrase, "Matter to the Flock" from Short ‘n Curlies #11 by Si Spurrier @ Bleeding Cool: tinyurl.com/n8d4al #
- Work day over. Huzzah! May the stupid be banished from the rest of the day. #
- @ Goldielox73 But Craig doesn't Twitter. I love that he doesn't. :-) #
- @ budgie Today has been stinky. We're going to ignore it. :-) #
- This is love. Yes. tinyurl.com/ned5vp #marvelzombies #
- @ StephenRL Thank you for the writing brain dumpage! Mucho appreciated! #
- @ JulieDownUnder Does someone need a beating, because I volunteer! #
- @ Guinan I'm sad that my favorite guy's going to be the new villain. :-( Not Joe Toy! #
- @ VanessaY Heh. I feel for you. Being a woman and technical has it draws back. It's like guys don't know how to talk to you. #
You're welcome.