Sep 29, 2010 13:52
Dear Employers of the Southwestern Region of Wake County,
I understand that I have a limited availability, and I am forward enough to explain when I am not available. I DESPERATELY want a different job, but I CANNOT miss my current job to go to an interview. I CANNOT miss classes during the day to go to an interview. I need a full time position, and $9 is not too much to ask for it. In fact, that's the BARE MINIMUM that I can take because I have bills to pay! I would prefer to be working $12-14 an hour, because that is what I'm qualified for, but I know that won't happen while I'm still in school.
I'm willing to work ANY position, and I have ALL EVENINGS and ALL WEEKENDS available. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOMEBODY call me for an interview.
Desperately Yours,
Yes. I know, it looks silly. But out of 50 resumes/applications, I've gotten one phone call and one reply.
Something doesn't add up here.