Aug 14, 2004 12:36
yah i know im quite pathetic at this, but its all related to my fucking pc at home, i have no time for internet cafes and such like. call me spoiled or something its just the way it is. maybe im just cheap too.
Anyway have a massive hangover at the moment dont even know why im up at noon. Nairobi is just killing me...
malalala womeeeeen everywhere dont even need a girlfriend at the moment. CHRIST!!!! yep its like that.
On other news about N-town, the bloody PC has decreed that no bars should be open past midnight if they dont have a nightclub license. now the probie is that since these laws were never enforced no one ever bothered getting a license like that, just a liquor license and they were easy. they are exactly 2 places with this license. Carnivore and F2/F1. guys are being hauled off to coolers like mad. at least last night they chilled, oh ah and random spot checks for guys who been boozing and driving. they take your license and tell you bounce now. DAAAMN this isht is getting thick, for a mo last at Caffe Cream they said last call at like 11pm and i started thinking i was the States again. jeeez its horrid tell you.
anyway thats all for today shall be back to vent more later