a portrait of our house guest.

Apr 30, 2008 12:12

mouse-sketch, originally uploaded by emlee.
"Squeak, squeak!" is what I heard coming from the kitchen last night as I finished up my knitting. (a post is coming!) I looked at Poki, we looked at the stove and looked at each other again. A mouse!

Ryan doesn't care for them at all. He compares his feelings about them to mine about the B-52 Cockroaches. For those of you not from Hawai‘i, B-52 refers the the flying abilities of the giant cockroaches that we have living here. So, suffice to say, that comparison helped me understand his fear. So I told him to get a trap, as humane as possible, and leave it in the kitchen while he and poki spend his day off upstairs or outside of the house.
I don't think I'll be able to read about Ralph or Nimh anytime soon.


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