
Oct 24, 2021 14:44

Well, that was quite the weekend! Got up at 3:15am yesterday. Took an early AM flight to OAK for my step-bro’s wedding in Martinez yesterday afternoon. Stayed w/step-mom & step-sis. Lotsa family time. Really nice reconnecting w/(most of) them. Had a good time, even though my step-sis C the Annoying (so dubbed by my l'il bro decades ago) once again lived up to her name. *insert eye roll emoji here*

Today, I’d planned on having a pleasant slow visit until 2pm when my step-sis’d drive me to OAK for my return flight. Woke up at 8:30am - thank goodness the land line disturbed my slumbers - and as per routine (obsession? 😉), I glanced at my text msgs - only to find that my afternoon flight'd been canceled. They'd rebooked me on one an hour and a bit earlier, but when I checked in on that one, I discovered that it, too, had been cancelled. Then they claimed I might have to wait until TUESDAY AFTERNOON to fly home. I chose the only other alternative available at the time, and the Universe smiled at me. Short TSA line. Most convenient gate placement. Kindness of step-mom who'd been up for a while and already eaten and had coffee so just had to get dressed, find her purse, &c. while I dressed and packed. I made it onto a 10am flight and am now home, safe & sound and in PJs with a pot of hot tea, curling up on the couch like a cat. This entry was originally posted at https://mlerules.dreamwidth.org/1164911.html. You can comment here (or there using OpenID.)
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