Seems lately as if I spend many mornings pulling myself out of the fantods. Sure, it's an upsetting time, and we're going on nearly a year of various levels of lock-down, blahblahblah I know there's good reason for feeling punk, but it's not my usual bubbly self and I really don't care for it.
For a project I began nearly a year back, I take some time each month to go back over past years' photos for the following month, pulling out some for posting each day on FB as a "Blast from the Past." Of late, it's meant realizing how much my world has changed, how much I no longer do what I used to enjoy oh-so-much. (Even as I realize how incredibly privileged my life's been in order to spend so many years living this way.)
Okay, right now I'm listening to good musics, which helps, as does the sun shining and Spring poking its way up through the Earth which I'd see more of if I were to get off my duff and go out walkies daily, which I KNOW is needed, yet have a hard time making myself DO, even as the weather's allowing it more and more these days.
This morning's been particuarly tough, as it began by learning that one of my AquaFit buddies (from before times at the gym and monthly post-workout brunches) just died. Cancer, not Covid, but still sad. She'd taught high school English in Harlem for decades before retiring and moving here to be closer to her kids. She loved theater, had a wicked sense of humor, and shared so many marvelous stories. I miss her. And so much...
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