Oct 09, 2007 16:03
Okay let me preface this by saying: hypothetically speaking....
Anyway, I don't know if you've picked up on this or not but I've had trouble sleeping, I can't stay awake and my stress levels are high.
In looking at a week on my calendar, I've found that the vast amount of time distribution is unfairly given up for RA duties and now my newfound additional duties. I spend more time doing RA work than I do in class! Almost double!
I enjoy what I do very much, and the job has been and will be great experience. However, it also is a source of a lot of stress and complication. I'm finding that this semester has been an insane amount of academic work and I'm having difficulty in keeping up with my classes. I have not gone to bed before 2am in the last week and I just ate for the first time today at 3 in the afternoon...
Anyway, in thinking about my priorities next semester they should be 1) increasing my gpa and attention to class for graduation day, 2) looking for a job, 3) looking for a place to live, 4) surviving with reasonable mental functionality...
Doing those things is simply not possible with the responsibilities I have been charged with right now. Basically, I feel it may be in my best interests to "retire" as an RA for Spring semester.
Now I know the first thing going through your head is "oh my god how are we going to pay for room and board" and I completely understand that money is an issue. Not being an RA will be more expensive, but with the training grant, the cost of room and board is still lower than the cost of tuition and rent was before I got the grant and when you were making less money--and we managed then.
I would sign a contract for a room in Red Cedar or whatever single room they might have; the office ladies love me and would try very hard to find me a nice comfortable place to live in the halls.
I have not made a decision yet as I await your.... input.... in this matter, think about it and let me know how you feel. If there are things you think I have not considered, feel free to add them.