Title: Charade of the Season
annj_g80 &
mlebayre Genre: General
Characters/Pairings: No Pairings, Dean and Sam, some other folks.
Rating: R
Spoilers: For season 1 & 2 only, it goes AU after AHBL part 1
Summary: The boys are on the run from John until Sam decides to stop their aimless retreat in order to look into a case of a murdered 17-year old babysitter. Dean merely plays along to humour Sam but less than agrees to it. He's even less thrilled when John seems to have caught up with them. A cat and mouse game begins in which is clear who's the cat and who are the mice.
Series: Carry On...A Supernatural Virtual Season
Disclaimer: Not ours,just borrowing from Kripke.
Part 1 -\-
Part 2 -\-
Part 3 -\-
Part 4