Feb 12, 2005 13:58

What can I say? Lost rules ASS! Now, I am jonesing hardcore for the next episodes. Curse you New zealand for being behind!!!!!! Love the Charlie, love the Jack, and all the other hot guys in the cast. mmmmmm, hot guys. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, DOM! (Gurgle, drool)

Things in the wild world of the Far North are going good. I went swimming in the ocean twice in the last week (For the first time in like 10 years), I am setting up to start my scuba diving lessons, work is going well, even though next week is going to kick my ass because we will be FULLY FULLY booked and SHORT SHORT staffed. Got my very first hangover this past Sunday and can no longer feel smug about my binge drinking prowess. (Though to be fair, I hadn't had anything to eat all day. Started the evening off with white wine, moved to red, and then beer. Carried on drinking from 11pm to about 6 am. A hangover was pretty much unavoidable.) Went home with my boss, who I am deeply in lust with. Nothing came of that, though I was drunk enough to start caressing his neck in the car on the way (oh god, embarrased, but glad he doesn't seem to remember). However I am getting mixed signals ala, he was supposed to be giving me a ride to my flat and when we got in the car he was all, "do you really want to go home or do you want to come round to mine?" to which I replied, "I don't care you choose." And he said, "We'll go to mine." Huh? Emily confused. My friend Danica thinks that he is attracted to me, but I am none so sure. But it is nice to have something to be all angsty about. =0 )

In Other News . . .
Sarah came up to visit and we had a fun time, even though it started off with me not being back in time to pick her up, sending David, my co-worker whom she doesn't know, to pick her up, forgetting to tell him her name so that he yelled, "Are you Emily's sister?" at her, and left her here at my flat for about two and a half hours before I got home. Oooops. Bad sister. Anyway, after that everything was fine. We played two holes of golf and it took us about an hour and a half. We really suck. At on point Sarah said, "I'm afraid I'm going to hit the ball and it will hit that tree and then hit me in the face!" Which it subsequently did. Well, she ducked before it got her face. We had dinner in the restaurant, which annoyed my boss, and we got seated right next to the kitchen so he kept looking at us and I kept laughing really loudly (nervous because of the crushing on my boss) and basically acting like a tard. But it was fun and then we snuck into the swimming pool and swam until 1 am. (ooooo. we are rebels.) Well, must prepare to go to work. Gah.
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