Dec 03, 2005 15:29
I have been tagged by mattcasey....
Ground Rules:
The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly.
1. I hate white socks, unless they are really really soft. And even then, they need to have some sort of pattern, whether it be different color toes, or the name of the company. After a while, I end up throwing out normal white socks that I have because they get too scuzzy, and I can't stand to touch them at all.
2. When I play beirut, I hold my stomach with my left hand. I don't know why, I think it started because I was worried that my shirt and/or stomach would knock over the cups on my side. Whatever the reason, I don't even realize that I do it anymore.
3. At dinner, I eat everything on my plate with a fork or my fingers, depending on what it is (with the exception of soups and runny stuff). But I refuse to eat mashed potatoes with gravy with anything except for a spoon. Mashed sweet potatoes, I will only eat with a fork. Even regular mashed potatoes sans gravy I could eat with a fork. But mashed potatoes have to be in a pile on my plate, with a hole dug out in the middle with my spoon for the gravy. If the gravy runs out of the mashed potato volcano, I can't let it touch anything else on my plate.
4. I like having really decorative tissue boxes. I try not to buy the same box twice.
5. I still sleep with stuffed animals because I need to have something on either side of me when I'm sleeping, or else I feel really vulnerable and it freaks me out and I can't sleep. If I don't have stuffed animals, I'll usually put pillows on both sides of me. I also like to have a blanket folded up at the end of my bed over my feet, because they're always colder than the rest of my body.
I don't really know who to tag, but if you're reading this, you should do one for yourself.