Sep 03, 2005 21:13
No not really talking about the boats, but I did get a new monitor. I got a flatpanel Sony 17" shiney from Best Buy. The reason you ask? I thought that I'd give myself a little treat because...
Yeah the guy called today to let me know, which kinda caught me off guard. I didn't get the call yesterday so I thought that I would never get it. w00t, go me. I start on the 19th, health benfits from day one and $11 an hour. Wow. I'll be working on the South Side of Pittsburgh, about two blocks off of E. Carson St (for those Pittsburgers that read this I'll be between the Birmingham Bridge and S. 10th St Bridge). I'll be doing Help Desk calls for US Steel Corp, contracted though a company called EDS. Details on what the office is like, what I have to wear, etc are still sketchy at this point but wish me luck, again! I wonder if I'll have a cublicle? Must post kitty and puppy photos in it if I do.
I think that Ray and myself will be looking to buy/rent/share a home together somewhere convient to both our offices. I have an office, LOL I love saying that.
PS - Mad props go out to for helping me snag this job, it only took 2 years.
PSS - Wow this is like the 5th or 6th time I "Edited last post"