What to do, What to do..

Mar 25, 2005 16:01

So last year I transferred from NIU to SXU b/c I did not get into the nursing program. I absolutely HATE SXU with a passion! And it costs me double what it cost me at NIU and that was for me to pay for tuition and live there. This year I feel like I am scraping pennies just to be able to enjoy myself on weekends and occasionally buy a few things for myself. I dunno if it is because now I am paying for gas for my car once a week and making car payments or because I actually had to shell out money for school this year and for my books, something I never had to do at NIU because my loans covered it. I mean it could be a combination of both but a 22 year old should not have as much stress about money as I do. I should be able to go on spring breaks or go on a trip somewhere. But I can't because I don't have the cash. I really wish I could go to Cancun with Cate and Cara, but I can't because I don't have the cash (and because they are leaving on Kevin's b-day) But even if they weren't leaving on his birthday I am almost embarrassed to say that I wouldn't have the money to be able to go there :( I have more credit card debt right now than I have money to my name, which I know I can pay it off eventually and I have really been forcing myself to not use the credit card unless in extreme emergencies. And the sad thing is that the reason it is so high is b/c I had to put part of my tuition on there along with my books. So anyways, the whole point of this long mumbo gumbo is that I have seriously been considering transferring back to NIU, if and only if I get into the nursing program there. Which is an absolute waste of money for this year, but would be cheaper in the long run. And if I do go back to NIU I would be living with Kevin, b/c right now he has no where to live and all my "friends" that are there have their living situation set or are graduating or are doing student teaching or what not so are going to commute or live at home. I think it will be cool if we were to live together but I am such a baby and if that situation does come up I will be so scared to ask my parents, which is stupid b/c I am 22 and at my age they were already married and had a house. But I am afraid of what they will say and what their reaction will be.  But I guess if that situation arises I will deal with it then and will just have to "bite the bullet" as they say, I think that is what they say at least.   And I am really getting sick of work.  I used to actually like coming into work, it was fun and the ppl I worked with were really nice.  Since the summer we had an extremely huge turnover of employees b/c ppl quit for various personal reasons and what not and although there are still some cool people here there are some ppl that aren't.  My boss is one of those ppl, she used to be a really cool person and easy to get along with but now she is like the complete opposite.  It is so stressful walking into the doors b/c you never know if the day is a good day or a bad day with her...you almost have to walk on eggshells around her b/c she is so crabby sometimes that you don't even want to say hi to her.  I dunno right now I am just extremely stressed about a lot of things and just needed to vent.  So to all of you reading this, sorry!  (And how ironic that Garth Brooks' "2 Pina Coladas" just came on the radio..what i wouldn't give for that right now!!)
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