I'm terminally dissatisfied. (the raw conversation)

Sep 07, 2013 01:22

Link for the following Twitter conversation: https://twitter.com/mladyrebecca/status/376174602637959170

I attempted with bold, blockquote, & italics to show a multi-threaded conversation in a flat form. It works better in some parts than others. The bold is the main thrust of the conversation, for purposes of what I wanted to capture here. The italics is that archetypes article again. The blockquoted sections are asides. Some I probably could have deleted, others with value all their own. The part after the horizontal rule is mainly kept to see how the conversation came full circle at the end.

Killing Aurora (@KillingAurora): I'm terminally dissatisfied.

Rebecca: Quoting someone -- can't imagine who -- or saying it on your own behalf?

Killing Aurora: Both :)

Rebecca: As long as you're saying it in the same spirit he was, that's a good thing.

Killing Aurora: I am ♥ I think the majority of the Echelon is a lot like him in that regard. He attracts the driven.

Rebecca: Hmmm. I imagine you're correct. I'm "terminally dissatisfied", but not particularly driven. Not sure if it is being disabled or just part of my personality. I crave input - new ideas, concepts, experiences - without having a good outlet for doing something with them.

Killing Aurora: I'm very driven. Always have been. I want perfection in everything I do, and nothing is ever good enough. It's my OCD.

Rebecca: I'm sure that's healthier in the end. LOL. Such an odd observation, but it's got my mental gears spinning.

Rebecca: Wow. That makes a nice visual. Your standard black box with a heavy input line and a trickle of an output. Maybe I'm mentally as "fat" as I am physically. Serious food for thought, no pun intended.

Killing Aurora: Mine would be pretty evenly balanced, I think.

Rebecca: I don't think I ever qualified as driven. I was an excellent student, but that's more input than output. I blog & review, but all of that is gathering a lot of info & putting out very little in comparison.

Rebecca: Was the terminally dissatisfied quote from Artifact?

Killing Aurora: No, the most recent HuffPost interview :) It was a great interview!

Just the video: http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/thirty-seconds-to-mars-new-album-city-of-angels/52176043fe3444447e0004f1

Attached article w/ video: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/26/jared-leto-huffpost-editor-thirty-seconds-to-mars_n_3819622.html

Rebecca: Ahh. I knew it was recent, but I couldn't picture the exact conversation. Thanks!

Killing Aurora: I guess it depends on what you want, though. What your goals are. For some, consuming more and creating less works well :)

Rebecca: See, I'm really bad at goals beyond the education variety. Always have been. I'm an introvert, so I naturally listen more than I talk. But I never thought of that in terms of total input/output.

Those soul types. Did I show you that? I'm a scholar. And going by that ... theory... that's the one immutable thing you are.

Killing Aurora: I'll read this soon :) Thanks!

Rebecca: No pressure. Just thought you should know where I was grabbing that from.

Killing Aurora: No pressure felt! I want to :)

Killing Aurora: But that's a perfectly valid form of creative expression :) It still requires drive.

Rebecca: I suppose. It's just more passive than what is usually referred to as drive. And less substantial, in some way. It's not like Robert Ebert, where your drilling down & summarizing has a large stage. I just share with my friends.

Killing Aurora: I'm obsessed with goals. Goals and lists dominate my life. I want to do everything and be everything. It's bad.

Rebecca: Guess we yin/yang very well in that manner.

Killing Aurora: Soul mates :3

Rebecca: Yes. Some part of that is being the same. The other is being complementary.

Killing Aurora: Absolutely. You have to challenge each other.

Rebecca: "We can't all be heroes because someone has to sit on the curb & clap as they go by." Will Rogers ... always spoke to me.

Killing Aurora: Love this :)

Killing Aurora: I'm an introvert until you really get to know me. Then I don't shut up :p My dad always jokes that I carry whole conversations on my own. Which is true. Maybe that's why I love teaching. My word is law :p

Rebecca: The difference is whether you're talking about your passions or just talking. Introverts can talk a blue streak on the right subject. Granted, I'm speaking as a rather extreme introvert. There are all sorts of flavors.

Killing Aurora: I don't agree with that. It's not less substantial because it's still YOUR work. Yes, you're talking about other people's work but you still have to come up with something to say. You still have to process, understand, analyze and write :)

Rebecca: I'm your cheerleader & you give me perspective. *hugs*

Killing Aurora: I do? I didn't know that :3 You certainly are my cheerleader ♥

Rebecca: You are tonight. Actually, I never finished that post the other day where I credited you for the same. After hours of writing, I was still stuck in the middle of an idea, so I left it private. I'm terrible about sitting down & concentrating lately. Too all over the place.

Killing Aurora: You did? Wow. That's just...Wow. ♥

Rebecca: After reading that story you entered into the contest. You sparked me putting some things together.

Killing Aurora: :) That's incredible ♥

Rebecca: Now I'm going to have to get off my butt and finish it. *g*

Killing Aurora: I get that. That's why I need lists. There's something so satisfying about crossing things off.

Rebecca: I never seem to list the fun stuff. My lists are all about doctors appointments and bills and stuff I hate to do.

Killing Aurora: True. For me it really depends. With certain people, it's everything + anything. With others it's only some topics.

Rebecca: There is that too. The more I care for someone, the more I want to hear about their bad day or their little accomplishment.

Killing Aurora: Same here. It's the little things :)

Rebecca: It just feels less substantial, because you can't point to something and say "I did that. I created that."

Killing Aurora: I see where you're coming from, but don't sell yourself short. It takes a lot to write anything.

Rebecca: Hmm. I was thinking about turning my LJ into a proper book using that Blurb tool. Maybe that would help somehow. Even if it's just for me.

Killing Aurora: I think that's an awesome idea :) I used Blurb for #TheMarsProject Vol 1. It's fantastic.

Rebecca: Thanks!

Rebecca: Short version: there are 7 archetypes: server, artisan, warrior, scholar, sage, priest, & king. They represent our role in the greater scheme of things.

Killing Aurora: I wonder which one I am?

Rebecca: I'd be inclined to say artisan, which they use for artist.

Killing Aurora: I really want to read it! /Ditches work to read

Rebecca: I'm such a bad influence. At least it's the weekend.

Killing Aurora: I can't wait until next year. A 3 day weekend will make all the difference.

Rebecca: I'll go with Jared's "sleep when I'm dead" bit. I'd get so much more done if I didn't have to sleep. *g*

Killing Aurora:Oh yes. I've stolen that and made it the theme of my life :p

Rebecca: Just wish I could capture half the stuff in my head when I'm half-awake.

Rebecca: Ironically, I can't peg Jared, & he's my favorite person to try to figure out. Artist? (expression) Priest? (inspiration) OR King? (action) Granted, I've only read these profiles at a high level.

Killing Aurora: Interesting read! My initial thought was Priest for Jared, but I think that's because that's who he is to me. My inspiration.

Rebecca: The person who originally posted the links to that article said king. I'll be difficult & lean towards artist/artisan. Because Jared & Shannon had the urge to create even when they didn't have an audience for it. That seems like the core.

[And here is where Twitter failed me. I thought it kept a complete thread of a conversation, but for some reason it broke here. Trying to add the rest for completeness, but I'll probably miss some. *pouty face*]


Killing Aurora: And yes, there's a pic of J pointing at me :p It's surrounded by UITA lyrics. A thousand times...

Rebecca: Never a bad thing to have Jared to look at. He's inspiring.

Killing Aurora: I have him all over my inspiration wall. I've just left the house but I'll take a pic when I get back :3

Rebecca: What part of Australia are you in? Just in terms of time zones? Looks like Australia has 3.

Killing Aurora: It sure does! I'm up the top, near Brisbane. But Bris is in a different time zone, haha. I'm Eastern Australian Standard Time

Killing Aurora: So it's 4pm now. What time is it there?

Rebecca: 2 AM.

Rebecca: Same time zone as Melbourne?

Killing Aurora: Yes :)

Rebecca: Good, that one is easy to remember. *g*

Killing Aurora: My main inspiration wall. I say "main" because I have bits everywhere :p pic.twitter.com/HANz2CXiUD There are quotes on all the pics :3

Rebecca ‏@mladyrebecca 11h

@KillingAurora That's great. Could stare at it for hours.

Killing Aurora‏: Thank you :) I really love it. I have so many things I could add, but I don't want to mess with the layout. Haha. OCD!

Rebecca: Need to start a completely different wall?

Killing Aurora: I'd say so :)


Rebecca: That's a cool wall. *takes it all in* So those are your book sequel titles?

Killing Aurora: Yep :) Alpha is the Heat series. Beta is other things I'm working on. Short is short stories and one shots :)

Killing Aurora: I have a pic of J's piano because the tweet he sent 'Album is done but I can't stop writing' is the most inspiring thing ever.

Rebecca: Did you see the new interview @ThisIsTheHive sent out today? He's 2 whole album concepts ahead. Minimum.

Killing Aurora: No! Haven't been in my TL at all. Just been talking to you :) Will check it out! ♥ Huh. Can't see it. Do you have a link?

Rebecca: Could have come out yesterday for you, but here's the link. http://wevegotyoucovered.buzznet.com/user/journal/17351082/exclusive-30-seconds-mars-fans/
The one that started out with what candy they'd build a house out of.

Killing Aurora: No, I hadn't! Thank you ♥♡

Rebecca: I wish they had just let Jared continue talking. Love when he's in that serious sharing mood.

Killing Aurora: I haven't watched it yet. Faved for later :)

Rebecca: Nothing new in the news category but nice insightful interview. By Shan's reaction, some of Jared's thoughts were new to him.

Killing Aurora: Can't wait to watch it! Will be a nice reward for all my hard work /cough :p

Rebecca: Had to have accomplished more than me. The only thing I did from start to finish was download a new album off iTunes.

Rebecca: Oh, and joined ask.fm for some bizarre reason. http://ask.fm/mladyrebecca

Killing Aurora: Hahaha. A mighty accomplishment!

Killing Aurora: I don't understand that ask thing :p

Rebecca: I did a partial backup. Started but didn't finish a post. Opened 30 tabs I've yet to check out. Here, there, & everywhere.

Rebecca: Not sure I understand it either. Reminds me a bit of LJ's old question of the day mixed in with Tumblr's ask box.

Killing Aurora: I understand that. I always feel like I'm torn between a million different thoughts, desires and responsibilities.

Killing Aurora: I've never used LJ, and my Tumblr has exactly 3 posts :p

Rebecca: The curse of those of us who think too much.

Rebecca: LJ was popular at one time. I've had mine since 2004. I feel like I've dabbled on everything at one time or another.

Killing Aurora: The terminally dissatisfied :)

Killing Aurora: I've never been one for social networks. Mars is the only reason I joined Twitter. And subsequently Blogger :)

Rebecca: LOL. And the conversation comes full circle. *hugs*

Killing Aurora: All roads lead to Mars :) *hugs back* xoxox

Rebecca: I was on Yahoo Groups, then LJ, then Goodreads based on my reading habits. Mars got me on MySpace, Twitter, & Tumblr.

Rebecca: Can't remember why I joined Pinterest.

Rebecca: Blogger might have been a reading thing. I was following an urban fantasy blog on there, sort of.

Killing Aurora: Crazy. I'm flat out with my Blogger, Tumblr + 3 Twitter accounts!

Rebecca: I don't use them all currently. Mostly Twitter, LJ, Tumblr, and Goodreads.

Rebecca: Well, at 4:30 AM, sounds like a good time to call it quits. Have a nice evening. Thanks for the great chat.

Killing Aurora: Good night! This has been a wonderful conversation :) Thank you♥ Sweet dreams Xo

Rebecca: Thanks! XOXO

twitter, 2013_psycho-babble, psycho-babble, 2013_notable, 30stm_llfd_era, 2013_30stm, obesity, 2013, stream_of_consciousness

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