Testing the embed tweets function. Sort of works. Page takes a long time to load, and I can't seem to turn off the "previous tweet" attachment once I turn it on, but you can sort of follow the conversation. *g*
Not sure if this, screencaps, or ripping the text directly is faster.
FYI, included responses even though they "show up" in the previous tweet info because of how the raw HTML looks. You see the actual text of the tweet, but not the parent tweet, within the raw HTML. So if the tweet disappeared, I'd still have the text here. But if the parent disappeared, I would have lost that step in the conversation. If that makes any sense at all.
It's basically the difference between an old school webpage where the text is all there, and a javascript heavy webpage which just points somewhere else in cyberspace. I learned HTML and webpage coding in 1997. I'm old school.
Also, can't for the life of me see the code difference between "include parent" and "don't include parent".
I seriously need Mars back in CA. I do better keeping up with them when they're behind me time zone wise.
- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 ... Lately I log on & get their whole day at one go.
- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 @mladyrebecca Ikr...I feel like I miss everything when they're overseas...guess that's how the international Echelon feel most of the time
- Grrl Seven (@grrlse7en)
July 20, 2013 @grrlse7en We're lucky we get them on our time more often than not. Even if we don't see them in person, it's nice to know they're home.
- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 @mladyrebecca I hear ya...I know they love what they do and I'm super proud of them, but there's something comforting about having them here
- Grrl Seven (@grrlse7en)
July 20, 2013 @mladyrebecca I guess it's a family thing *lol*...even if they're not close, it's nice to feel they're "near" in a way
- Grrl Seven (@grrlse7en)
July 20, 2013 @grrlse7en They've got the wander lust. Love that they can see the world, but it's always special to have them back home.
- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 @grrlse7en It's also having a sense where they are in their day. They jump countries so often, it's hard to reorient. Echelon jet-lag?
- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 @mladyrebecca I don't mean it to sound creepy or weird, but I like thinking when I sleep, I'm sharing some cosmic dreamspace w/them *lol*
- Grrl Seven (@grrlse7en)
July 20, 2013 @grrlse7en That's sweet, actually. Reminds me of
#AnAmericanTail "Somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight..."
http://t.co/VAJobq48FV- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 @JaredLeto Thought you might find this interesting 'Why Time Slows Down When We're Afraid, Speeds Up as We Age...'
http://t.co/yn542pKxvu- Grrl Seven (@grrlse7en)
July 20, 2013 The book discussed in the Brain Pickings article:
"Time Warped: Unlocking the Mysteries of Time Perception" by Claudia Hammond.
"we are most likely to vividly remember experiences we had between the ages of 15 and 25"
http://t.co/RVgtuSwt7n- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 Saw that movie in college, so it definitely hit the 15-25 mark.
- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 I know a lot of the Echelon hit that 15-25 mark now. But with us old folks - I'm 42 - we share the same “nostalgia” period w/ the band.
- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 This is when I really need to start blogging again. You have to find a dozen tweets across my timeline to catch my train of thought.
- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 Has anyone tried using "embed tweet" on LiveJournal?
- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013 Hey, it works!! This could be fun.
- Rebecca (@mladyrebecca)
July 20, 2013