Looks like it's coming out on April 29th. (Or maybe May 6th - I'm confused.) Very cool. The ifilm link below has three clips. It looks good. Loved the campy British version, but I'm looking forward to seeing the blockbuster style remake
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Still can't watch the new Battlestar Galactica on SF channel. The whole changing the gender two major characters is just wrong.
But then you look at "Stargate". The transition from "Stargate", the movie, to "Stargate SG-1", the tv series, was really smooth. The actors playing Daniel could be stand-ins for each other.
I saw something in an entertainment magazine pointing out that the final Star Wars was being released this spring and Star Trek is ending its last (or at least latest) series. End of an era. Loved the original three Star Wars and I was a STNG fan, but frankly the end of both great franchises is not so much a bang as a whimper.
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