Music Meme

Oct 21, 2008 18:46

Stolen from lasamy

1. Who is your favorite artist?
*snort* I could make you guess, it's kinda obvious. ... 30 Seconds to Mars

2. Do you play an instrument? If so, what is it?
I played piano as a child, and clarinet in middle/high school. The clarinet is long gone. I've poked on my Mom's piano once in a blue moon.

3. Put your music player on shuffle. What are the first 10 songs that show up?
"Minuet" Adiemus
"Relax" Frankie Goes to Hollywood
"Too Much Information" Duran Duran
"One of these Mornings" Moby
"After the Love Has Gone" Earth Wind & Fire
"New Moon on Monday" Duran Duran (again, hmmm)
"Was it a Dream" (acoustic) 30STM
"Harder Better Faster Stronger" Daft Punk
"Ride like the Wind" Christopher Cross (don't know where that came from)
"3 AM" Matchbox Twenty (didn't know I owned that)
and because I can't count...
"The Stars Are Ours" The Nylons

4. What genre do you find yourself listening to the most?
Rock/ Alternate Rock

5. Name a song that gets you pumped.
"Break My Stride" Matthew Wilder (80's tune)

6. Name 3 bands/artists you consider to be overrated.
I'll pick ones I have albums for... *flips through*
Rush, Nirvana (sorry, Jay), Queen

7. What song are you listening to at the moment?
"Too Much Information" Duran Duran

8. How often do you listen do music?

9. What band/artist got you into music?
Duran Duran was the first artist I was ever deeply into.

10. How many concerts have you been to?
seven total, two artists - 30STM and Duran Duran

11. Which defunct band would you like to see reunite?
I don't know of any defunct band that I'm especially fond of.

12. Is there a band/artist you once hated but now love?
I don't recall doing a 180 on any band.

13. Vice versa to #12. Any band you used to love but now hate?
Same thing. Might have gotten bored with a band, but none went to hate.

14. How many songs/artists/albums do you currently have in your music player?
7347 songs

15. Name a band/artist you recently started listening to.

16. How diverse is your musical taste?
I think it's pretty diverse. Rock - Pop - New Age - World - little Country - Showtunes - Oldies/ Standards - A-cappella - some Classical....

17. What is the shortest song you have?
A clip of Jared singing "Somewhere over the Rainbow" stolen from a MarsTv episode - 13 seconds
Schoolhouse Rock theme - 14 seconds

18. Longest?
"Suite from the X-Files" Mark Snow - 31 minutes

19. Name one song that you can listen to over and over without getting bored of it.
my most auto-repeated song is the instrumental of "The Kill"

20. Ok, you’re trapped on an island and you can bring only 5 CD’s with you. Which ones will you bring?
30STM self-titled
Duran Duran "Arena"
"La Femme Nikita" soundtrack
"Pure Moods"

21. Name 5 songs you dig right now.
*looks at recently played* I've been doing random play mostly lately. Last album I played was Duran Duran's "Liberty".

22. What is your least favorite genre?
Rap, Hip-hop

23. Name a band/artist that you consider highly influential.

24. What song describes you the best?
"Manic Monday" The Bangles

25. Your favorite cover band is…?
Don't have one.

26. Name a musician you highly admire.
*g* Jared Leto.

27. What’s your favorite radio station?
Jack FM Baltimore

28. Name a guilty pleasure you listen to.
Some of the 80's pop, like Wham *g*

29. Who do you think has the best singing voice?
I'm a pretty one band girl, I'll say Jared again.

30. Your thoughts on rap music?
That would be noise.

31. Your favorite side project?
You mean a band doing a side project? "So Red the Rose" Arcadia (sub-set of Duran Duran)

32. Name an album you consider to be flawless.
Flawless? I'll be a good echelon and say "A Beautiful Lie" *g*

33. The most annoying song ever is?
"Breakfast at Tiffany's" Deep Blue Something ... It was majorly overplayed in 1996. We always had this one station playing at work and they played it into the ground.

34. Name a cover song that you think is better than the original.
I'll steal lasamy's choice: "Hurt" Johnny Cash

35. Favorite album cover?
Duran Duran "Seven and the Ragged Tiger"

36. If your music player has a search feature, how many results do you have for the following words:
Love: 422
You: 774
Remix: 54
Song: 247
Sandwich: 0

37. What song are you listening to NOW?
"One of these Mornings" Moby

38. Name a song you’d listen to in the following situations:
-At a party
"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" Cyndi Lauper

-In the car
"Southside" Moby

-Relaxing at home
E.S. Posthumus "Nara"

-Muting out someone else’s music
"Wild Boys" Duran Duran ... seems loud enough to mute out something else

-Just getting out of bed
I've currently got 30STM's self-titled as my wake up music

39. Have you ever met a famous musician?
yes, well "meet and greet" level - 30STM and Duran Duran

40. Name a song that’s been stuck in your head.
No stuck songs lately

41. What band would you like to see a new album from?
30STM .... soon *g*

42. Your favorite local band?
don't have one

43. Have you ever gone through any phases of listening to music you normally wouldn’t listen to?
I was big on folk music for awhile in college. I'll listen to random songs now, but never a steady diet of it.

44. Do you enjoy indie music?

45. Favorite fictional band?
Eddie and the Cruisers *g*

46. Funniest song you can think of is…?
"The Siamese Cat Song" as in the Disney song

47. Favorite comedy band/artist?
I don't think I have one.

48. What song describes your life right now?
"Dream the Impossible Dream" ... it may have something to do with the fact that Don Quiote just came on my shuffle *g*

49. Your favorite female singer?
Amy Lee of Evanescence

50. What is the last CD you purchased?
Wolfshiem "Casting Shadows"

music_2008, 2008_memes, memes_music, 2008

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