Philosophical Jared

Feb 11, 2008 23:55

Q: You seem to be having a blast, clearly. Are you happy?

You know it's a question that I really don't ask myself so much. I'm not really concerned. It sounds strange, but I'm not really concerned with happiness. I think that there are times that you are happy. There are times that you are sad. I know that I have a wonderful life that is filled with creative reward and challenge and fulfillment and experience. I'm more concerned with those things.


What's amazing about music and a creative life is you can do anything you want to. There are no rules. But for some reason we've set up rules for ourselves. And it's important, I think, to remember that you can follow your wildest fantasies, you can live your dreams. And that's what we're doing out here. We're manufacturing dreams for ourselves.

Q: When you're going to look back on it 30 years from now. What are you going to remember from this tour, for instance, or this past year?

I don't know. I think your perception changes a lot. I think your perspective certainly differs as you get older, the vantage point becomes interesting in a way that it wasn't when you were younger. I think that when you have a moment to step back far enough away from the details you can see something in a way that is impossible when you're looking at the brush strokes. You step far enough back and you can see the landscape. You can see the sun, the stars, the sky. You know, I hope that's the case with this experience, as well.

- Jared in Montreal (Taste of Chaos, 1997)
From "Exposed", aired June 2007

Link to video clips. Thanks to zemie for the upload. The above quotes are from the third part of the program.

30stm_interviews, jared_leto_quotes

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