Apr 16, 2012 17:33
Welcome to m'lady's space, not too empty; not entirely full yet. Wanderers are welcome as long as they bring their manners, play well with others, and remember 3 simple things.
1. M'lady (with or without the anonymous) is all you need to know. Anything more belongs to the people who know me out here. Good friends that have gained my trust, along with my email, will know more but please don't make use of that info.
2. The images found here are not mine. The icons, on the other hand, are homemade by me. Simple little things thrown together in paint. They are not for borrowing. Please don't steal.
3. NEVER REPOST ANYTHING ANYWHERE! I may not wander far from livejournal. I may not know how to find you. But I will ban you if I get wind of this rule being broken. What I post, I post willingly but it is not meant for sharing outside of my space. I'm naive not stupid so don't break my trust. I'm not interested in going friends only, so don't give me a reason to.
Oh and pay attention to the date above. It may be of importance one day.
journal rules