I think Edward and I really did come from the same place... I remembered him. It was strange... I was just sitting down and reading in my mythology book and petting Cookie, and all of a sudden... a strange sensation came over me. Well... it was more like a lack of sensation, really. It's scary
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Alphonse held the pen gently against his lip for a moment, then he started to write some things down on the sheet of paper before handing it over to Fai.
I was telling you that I had noticed that Edward Brother and I had almost the same hair and eye color... but I think I was ignoring the fact that we could be related, since I kinda liked him...
Sorry that I must have looked a little happy when you told me about your hearing loss. I lost my sense of touch and I was worried it might be permanent... but since you've lost a sense too, then it's probably just another of these weird occurances that happen in this place.
"Mm, I agree. I think it's just a strange incident. Kuro-tan can't see at the moment. I believe you'll feel again when this is all over. Still, what a terrible thing to lose."
Despite his smile, it's quite obvious that Fai is very worried for Al.
Al scribbles down a few more words:
From my memory... when I was in the armor, I couldn't taste or smell at all either... and my eye sight and hearing were both kinda strange and distorted too. If I could live through that, then I can live through this.
Al decides not to bug Fai too much with his feeling of Edward... espeicially since he's worried what Fai might think if he knew that he still had those same kind of feelings for Edward despite their relationship as brothers.
"I agree. But still, I wonder, how does one wind up as a suit of armor? Were you possessing it? Had someone removed your soul from your body? I don't know much about that sort of thing, but it seems to me as though it would take a great deal of power to do something like that. And obviously, you are in your own body here. Ahaha, I'm rambling a bit."
Fai scratched his head sheepishly, just letting the boy talk about whatever would make him feel better.
Maybe Brother was the one that put me back in my real body. I guess I could have been a ghost possessing the armor... but it really felt like the armor was my body, and not just a took I was controlling. I don't really know how I got to be in that state... I guess I'll know more when I remember more. I'll definitely let you know if Brother or I remember more of out pasts and it explains more of this.
"Please do, if you want. I would be very impressed if Ed-kitty was the one who was able to move you back. That would mean he is a person of tremendous power. I'm beginning to suspect that of other people around here. I wonder if a lot of us could do many things that we no longer can because we don't remember the techniques. Much like the people who have the instincts for fighting, but lack the... how to put it... 'skills,' I should say."
Maybe something happened when he was moving my soul back that brought us here... or maybe we just came here at random. I wonder if we all came here by mistake of some sort, though. I'm sure that lots of us here have strengths we don't remember.
Al pondered writing out what was on his mind about Edward, then thought the best of it and put down his pencil after a long, hesitant pause.
"If you don't feel like talking anymore, you don't have to. But, if you have something you need to say, please know that you don't have to hold back with me. There isn't much that I can do, but I offer my best."
I guess... I don't know what to do about Brother. I don't know how I feel about him... or how to stop feeling for him. If you know what I mean...
Al drifted off in his writing and stared down at the paper... then he pushed the paper slowly over towards Fai.
"In my personal opinion, I don't see why a bond between brothers cannot become deep enough to include that kind of love. Love isn't something that can be explained or should be judged, after all."
I didn't know anyone here would be that open-minded. The only problem is... do you think Brother will be that open-minded when he hears about it..?
"That I cannot say. Peoples' feelings are impossible to predict, in my opinion. They are the key to changing everything.
"That being said," says Fai, glancing over his shoulder as he sees Ed entering the room out of the corner of his eye, "I should go now since it seems you two need to talk. ^.^ If you need me in the future, you know here to find me."
With that, he backs out with a smile and a wave to Ed.
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